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Vol. 41, No. 36


October 14, 2016



Covers the period October 1 - 7, 2016



Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events


Executive Committee

October 22 @ 8:30am in Chicago, IL


LoTW Study Committee

November 11 @ 10:00am in Newington, CT


Administration & Finance Committee

November 12 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT



Field Organization/Public Service Team  

Reported by Steve Ewald WV1X


Bob Wiseman, WB3W, of Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, has been appointed as the Interim Section Manager for the ARRL Eastern Pennsylvania Section.  Dave Patton made the appointment on October 5th after consultation with Atlantic Division Director Tom Abernethy.  Bob’s interim appointment continues through March 31, 2018. 


ARRL Headquarters welcomed fifteen Section Manager for training and orientation at the 2016 Section Managers’ Workshop.  It was held at Headquarters from Friday through Sunday, October 7 - 9.   Thanks to everyone for your help and support in making this event a successful one.  Some very positive comments from the participants have already been received.   The following Section Managers were here for the Workshop:  John Bigley, N7UR  (Nevada),  John Core, KX7YT (Oregon),  Diana Feinberg, AI6DF (Los Angeles),  Ron Harden, KB5HGM  (West Texas),  Ray Hollenbeck, KL1IL (Alaska),  Ed James, KA8JMW  (New Mexico),  David Kaltenborn, N8KBC (San Diego),  JVann Martin, W4JVM  (Alabama),  Patrick Moretti, KA1RB  (Wisconsin),  Chuck Motes, K1DFS  (Connecticut),  Oscar Resto, KP4RF (Puerto Rico),  Joe Shupienis, W3BC  (SM-elect from Western Pennsylvania),  Joe Speroni, AH0A (Pacific),  Brent Walls, N9BA  (Indiana), Tom Walsh, K1TW (Eastern Massachusetts).



Field Services & Radiosport

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N


Norm Fusaro and Dave Patton hosted Dr. Hans Schwarz, DK5JI, and Dave hosted additional foreign visitors Dov, 4Z4DX and Dima, RA9USU, as well as some regional visitors who travelled to HQ to meet 4Z4DX including: N1DG, N2KW, AA1V, and W1RM.  DXCC, operating awards, contests and DXPedition planning were the main topics of interest, as well as the first chance for Dov to visit HQ.




Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY


On Wednesday, October 19, Chris Took from PageSuite will be visiting Headquarters to train QST staff on the new platform for Digital QST that will go “live” in early December.


The November/December issue of NCJ is at the printer.

The November/December issue of QEX is at the printer.



Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R


Yvette Vinci prepared the bulk email notification for the November 2016 digital edition of QST, distributed to ARRL members on Friday, October 7. The distribution list included 120,459 members.


The warehouse clerks have been busy fulfilling advance orders for the new editions of the Operating Manual and Handbook.


Bob Inderbitzen attended the UK National Hamfest in Newark, England and the RSGB 2016 Convention in Milton Keynes, England, having organized exhibits for ARRL at both events. He returned with 60 membership applications – many of those from new members. DXCC card checking was offered at both events, supported by ARRL volunteers Fred Handscombe, G4BWP and Martin Atherton, G3ZAY. Some attendees traveled a very long way to have their cards checked. Bob checked the cards for Will Davies, 2W0WOD, a 13-year old young man from Wales, and Will’s first application for DXCC! He also returned with examination materials from an ARRL VEC test session held at the RSGB Convention. Atherton was the exam team liaison. Throughout the events, Bob was pleased to receive many nice compliments for ARRL's contributions to Amateur Radio worldwide, including on-air operating events. There were also many nice comments made by international members about QST, LoTW, ARRL publications, The Doctor is In podcast, Product Reviews, and efforts advancing the Amateur Radio Parity Act -- which is helping provide fodder for hams navigating difficult zoning restrictions experienced by most UK radio amateurs. Finally, Bob visited Bletchley Park, home of the codebreakers during World War II. He made a one hour live video broadcast for the ARRL Facebook page as he toured the grounds of Bletchley and the on-site RSGB National Radio Centre. Bob posted to Facebook photo albums throughout the events: and


Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group, reported by Yvette Vinci:

Week Ending

Calls Answered

Calls Per Hour

Total Talking Duration

Average Speed of Answer





11 seconds





11 seconds





8 seconds





11 seconds


Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa:


Week Ending

Packages fulfilled

Member Premiums















Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations


Leona Adams                11/11                            PTO

Bob Allison                  10/17 – 10/21                PTO

“                      11/03 – 11/04                Club Travel

“                      12/26 – 12/30                PTO

Lauren Clarke               10/26 – 10/31                PTO

            “                      11/22 – 11/26                PTO

Steve Ford                    10/14                            PTO

11/07                            PTO

Norm Fusaro                 10/18 – 10/27                PTO

Tom Gallagher              10/13 – 10/16                Pacific Division Convention 2016, San Ramon CA

“                      10/21 – 10/22                Executive Committee Meeting, Chicago IL

Mike Gruber                 10/14 – 10/16                PTO

Ed Hare                        10/14                            PTO

Dan Henderson             10/21 – 10/22                Executive Committee Meeting, Chicago IL

“                      11/10 – 11/13                Indiana Section Convention / Ft Wayne IN

Gail Iannone                 10/07 – 01/09                Sick Leave

Bob Inderbitzen            10/13 – 10/18                Pacific Division Convention 2016, San Ramon CA/PTO

Debra Johnson              10/14 – 10/22                PTO



Sincerely Compiled by,

Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO