All A reminder that if you have a State activation pending in your future and you do not have an established scheduling program for your operators, feel free to contact OK SM Mark Kleine who has developed the predominant VOTA scheduling program currently in use. Twenty-five States or Territories have adopted it for their use as of this email. Some have requested minor modification for their State/Territory, modifications that Mark has readily granted. Mark's contact information appears below. The scheduling program is free to all who wish to use it — just contact Mark. _______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Director West Gulf Division Office:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *_______________________________________*** ** On 1/16/23 5:43 PM, John Robert Stratton wrote:
Mark Kleine, N5HZR, Oklahoma West Gulf Division Section Manager and Oklahoma VOTA State Coordinator, has developed a superb and easy to use i_*nteractive, on-line*_ sign-up sheet for VOTA State Coordinators to use to simplify the process of scheduling volunteer W1AW/x portable operators. It significantly automates obtaining sign-ups and capturing the information needed by a State Coordinator.
Mark has offered to make it available to anyone in the ARRL for their use. I have advised Bob Naumann and Bart Jahnke that Mark is willing to permit the League to offer it on the ARRL's website. However, you or your designated State Coordinators may contact Mark directly to arrange to use it.
Oh, ask him about the automated email reminder the program is capable of generating for each scheduled operator.
If you wish to see how it operates you may go to either:
https://ok.arrl.org/w1awok/ <https://ok.arrl.org/w1awok/>
https://ok.arrl.org/w1awtx/ <https://ok.arrl.org/w1awtx/>
If you do, /*please*/ don't sign yourself up — both sites are live and in active use. If you do sign yourself up, expect representatives of the Five Nations to appear at your doorstep with freshly forged Wouff Hongs.
If you are interested, please contact Mark Kleine directly at:
Mark Kleine Oklahoma Section Manager N5HZR Mark Kleine <mkleine@live.com> 1-405-410-6756
If you wish a second opinion as to how well it operates, call the Texas VOTA State Coordinator:
Steve Smith North Texas Section Manager KG5VK Steven Smith <lottsphoto@icloud.com> 1-318-470-9806
Feel free to contact me, if you wish.
John Robert Stratton
West Gulf Division
P.O. Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232