At 06:20 PM 2/1/2018, James F. Boehner MD via arrl-odv wrote:
There has been more controversy than I have ever seen in the approval of
minutes of any meeting in which I was a part.
I hesitate to offer a bit of a compromise, but we need to get the minutes
out to the members. I was somewhat confused as to why our previous
policy allowed the distribution of unapproved minutes, but it probably
stemmed from a situation like the one we find ourselves in
It has only been in the last several years that minutes were approved
within a week or two of the Board meeting. Before that, they were
approved at the next meeting (six months later), and that was when the
secretary often had the draft minutes out the day after the meeting
(Sunday afternoon). The minutes were released to members
without being approved, and there were seldom any changes requested when
they were approved six months later.
I would propose that we
all approve the minutes from ODV #27024, and have a news story detailing
the board meeting, the board minutes, and any other issues brought
forward that did not appear in the official minutes that need to be
communicated to our members. This way we will have both a correct
set of minutes per Roberts Rules of Order, and additional information to
our members for any concerns of transparency.
There is no reason to hold up any web story about the meeting until the
minutes are approved. All of the news could have been posted
the day after the meeting. So far we've posted a few short web
articles that cover almost all of the items approved:
- 1/21 Officer, EC and Foundation election results
- 1/23 DXCC change will add Kosovo
- 1/23 Review and changes to Code of Conduct, release of reasons for
candidate rejection, indemnity and life members in AA&BL, DXCC rules
change, 2018 Plan approval, Lifelong Learning program, CEO Search
- 1/24 International Humanitarian Award winners, and several other
Perhaps the March issue of QST will have a summary article, if so I
think it is already out the door to the printer.
We're just tripping all over each other.
e-mail: ARRL New England Division
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: