Greetings to ARRL Officers, ARRL Directors, and Vice-Directors: This update is our periodic effort to inform you about the status of our project relating to the Strategic Planning from the Working Group. This is the third of these updates to ODV and is a summary of our actions and achievements during the past month and a half. In a previous message, a Mission Statement, revised Value Statement, and new Vision Statement were sent for your reading pleasure. Since the Working Group was established in February by President Craigie, we have met 11 times - mostly using the GoToMeeting software platform. Our meeting times ranged from one hour to over two hours per session as we discussed our assignment. May was a challenging month as we tried to meet every week along with some of us attending the Dayton Hamfest (TM) and other personal, professional and ARRL duties. At Dayton, I was asked to address an informal meeting of Section Managers on Friday afternoon. At that meeting, the assembled group of SMs (around 20) along with Director Greg Widin talked about the Strategic Planning process. A questionnaire was distributed to provide further input and comments from those assembled. Approximately 10 Section Managers replied to date. The overwhelming concern they had was the reporting structure between the Sections and the ARRL. This issue was repeated over and over. Club and volunteer issues were also noted. At the Northwestern Division Convention in Seaside, OR in early June, I also discussed Strategic Planning in a member seminar. As in Dayton, I distributed a questionnaire asking for attendee's comments. As of June 16, about 5 of the 30 attendees replied. At both events, the attendees were appreciative that their input was taken and considered. The Working Group is also planning to solicit feedback and opinions from other stakeholders as we continue to gather information prior to the completion our task later in 2015 and into 2016. We created a first draft of a revised Strategic Plan which should guide the ARRL looking forward 5-10 years. Prior to our presentation to the entire ODV on July 16, we will continue to tweak our recommendations and accept action items from the Board regarding priorities and additional information, programs, initiatives, and ideas to consider. Since the ARRL Budget process for 2016-17 will be starting soon, some activities and programs that have long timelines and may relate to activities that may need to begin in 2016 should be considered. My personal focus would be to begin to develop a process to develop outreach ideas that will better explain amateur radio and provide a plan to reach out to those not currently engaged in our avocation (see Shaun Kutzko's Outreach through Discovery proposal from 2014). There are other activities that fall into this category that require budget allocation in 2016. What we do not want to experience is the League start into a death spiral with more members passing away that new members joining. I truly believe this will not occur if we focus on the future and new ways of doing "business" will retaining the tried and true programs and services. Keep in mind that a Strategy should generally verbalize "what we want to do" while a Tactic or Lower Level Goal explains "how we will do it" and can usually be attached to some measurement criteria. Robert Kaplan's book, "The Strategy Focused Organization" is a sound reference guide to explaining the entire process. Our focus now is on the strategies. The tactics or actions needed to accomplish the strategies or goals will, in all likelihood, be the responsibility of ODV. We have a laundry list of ideas. Some will require budgetary consideration. We look forward to meeting with ODV in July and explaining our process and recommendations. Each team member will have a part in presenting a portion our the recommendation. Please pass along your comments and observations as we need to know if we are addressing your issues and/or concerns. 73 Jim Fenstermaker K9JF Chair, Strategic Planning Working Group and ARRL 2nd Vice President