Mr. Minster: Somehow, the NCJ contract did not make it to the November A&F Committee meeting. Would you please bring a copy of the contract to the upcoming A&F meeting, or the Board meeting, and show Board members what exactly has been agreed to in writing. Thank you. Dick Norton, N6AA Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "Jeff Ryan" <k0rm@comcast.net> To: "Richard Norton" <richardjnorton@yahoo.com> Cc: Sent: Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 1:36 PM Subject: Re: Request Your Assistance - ARRL & NCJ Contract Dick: I reached out to Mr. Minster and he said he would be delighted to bring the contract to the A&F meeting. Safe travels! 73, Jeff On Nov 14, 2023, at 9:50 PM, Richard Norton <richardjnorton@yahoo.com> wrote: Jeff, Would you please ask David Minster to have a copy of the signed agreement, between the ARRL and NCJ that he has said that he has, available for viewing at the upcoming A&F meeting. Thanks. 73, Dick, N6AA