I know you've all heard the phrase "May you live in interesting
times". Well we certainly do.
As you know by now, I'll be "retiring" my Vice-Director badge, and you
now have a new team from Delta. I certainly wish them well. But, Amy
and I will miss seeing you folks, and the work you'll all be involved
in. The good news is that I'll be home for contest weekends now!
Thanks to Joel and Henry for the opportunity, and to you folks for the
exceptional warmth and kindness. Rarely does one have the honor of
working with such high quality individuals. I'm proud to know you all.
So, keep the flag raised high, and let me know if I can help any of you
in any way. Amy and I will smile when we think of you. See 'ya on the
air, and maybe at a hamfest somewhere!
Oh yeah, make sure Rick keeps the finger-spinning on his glass when
Chris is trying to talk :)
73 for now,
Karl, WA5TMC
"Of, By, and For..." - Not just words!
Karl Bullock, WA5TMC
ARRL Vice-Director - Delta Division
321 CR 458
Ripley, MS 38663
662 512-8053