There are some issues with your first motion to amend bylaw 20 I'd like to bring up before the board:
1 - It's labeled "Election Teller Motion -1" shouldn't it be labeled "Stratton -1" ?
2 - Further down in the motion it is stated "It is accordingly resolved: That By-Law 25 of the ...." yet it seems you are modifying bylaw 20 rather than 25.
3 - Your email states the changes are underlined, yet the third paragraph of bylaw 20 is not shown as deleted nor assigned a paragraph letter. I assume you intended to replace this third paragraph with your new paragraphs (c) through (g) but it's not clear. The current third paragraph of bylaw 20 reads:
Any member of the League who shall deliver to the Secretary on or before the first day of October of election year a written petition signed by at least ten full members of a division, stating their desire that he or she witness the counting by the committee of tellers of the ballots from that division, shall be permitted to do so.
4 - My most important concern is: given that the current wording of bylaw 20 third paragraph permits members to witness the ballot counting already, what problem or issue is your motion attempting to solve? Is it your contention that our ballot counting procedures and processes are somehow flawed or suspect or open to error? If so, how exactly does your motion remedy this?
5 - Some practicality issues should be considered when examining your motion. There are elections in five divisions every year - potentially 10 incumbents and perhaps 10 challengers. This is a huge number of ballots to process and, based on my experience, would run well past a normal 8-hour work day. Your motion would potentially add 2 observers for every candidate or 40 people in the room who can only observe? A large number of observers would slow down and potentially lead to human error in the ballot opening, counting, and tabulating process. Further, a minimum of 48 hours notice to vet and accommodate more than one or two observers is just not practical (in my view). Further, your proposed paragraph (g) does not address travel expenses for candidate designated representatives as observers
Bottom line: I believe the current bylaw 20 is consistent with ARRL conducting fair, honest, and accurate ballot counting in it's elections. But, I'm willing to listen to any recent examples that you feel are counter to this.
Rod, K0DAS
E&E Committee Chair