[ARRL logo-and-logotype black gold vertical] IN-Newsletter Vol. 42, No. 2 January 13, 2017 Covers the period December 30, 2016 – January 6, 2017 Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events Logbook Study Committee January 18, 2017 @ HQ, Newington, CT New Director and Vice Director Orientation January 18, 2017 @ HQ, Newington, CT Administration & Finance Committee Meeting January 19, 2017 @ HQ, Newington, CT Programs & Services Committee Meeting January 19, 2017 @ W1AW, Newington, CT Annual Board Meeting January 20 – 21, 2017 @ Windsor, CT Southeastern Division Convention, February 9 – 13, 2017 @ Orlando, FL Hamvention 2017 May 19 – 21, 2017 @ Xenia, OH Chief Executive Office Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF Tom Gallagher was the keynote speaker for the 18th Annual Ham Radio University at Briarcliff College in Long Island on January 8. This event is a day of education to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and fellowship among amateur radio operators. The organizer of the event is Mike Lisenco, Director of Hudson Division. Planning and preparations continue for the January 2017 Annual Board Meeting. Education Services Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Teacher Registration Instructor Registration Graduation Kit Requests License Class Listings 6 18 0 27 Debra Johnson coordinated scheduling for two ARISS Orientation Sessions for January, to be hosted as webinars, and updated the PowerPoint presentation for the sessions. In concert with the ARISS management team, Debra developed a concept for an ARISS banner for education conferences and coordinated with Sue Fagan in Graphics on design. She worked with Di Szlachetka to update the brochure and an ad to promote the Teachers Institute in 2017. ARISS Contacts There were 2 direct contacts this week: · January 4, 2017 between students at the Rainbow Middle School in Rainbow City, AL and Astronaut Shane Kimbrough, KE5HOD. Amateur Radio received some good visibility in local media at www.gadsdentimes.com/news/20170104/rainbow-middle-school-students-talk-to-astronaut-on-space-station<http://www.gadsdentimes.com/news/20170104/rainbow-middle-school-students-talk-to-astronaut-on-space-station> · January 4, 2017 between students at Collège Mathilde Marthe Faucher, Allassac, France and Astronaut Thomas Pesquet, KG5FYG. Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD Diamond Club Spectrum Defense Education & Technology Legislative Issues Advocacy Misc. Unrestricted Goal $325,000 $310,000 $130,000 $35,000 Contributions received as of Dec. 31, 2016Goal $367,593 $257,314 $211,654* $54,573 $114,842 Percent of Goal 113% 83% 163% 156% *includes a one-time gift of $29,000 from the Don Wallace Museum Foundation ARRL received a second distribution from the Estate of George Grover Cole, WB4BYD (SK); Mr. Cole designated ARRL as a beneficiary in his Will to receive $25,000 toward Spectrum Defense and $25,000 toward Historic Preservation. These sums were received by ARRL on December 4, 2015. Mr. Cole further directed that his residuary estate be divided into equal shares and distributed to the charities named in the specific bequests section of his Will. To that end, ARRL received an additional $100,000 this past week, divided equally toward Defense and Historic Preservation. We expect to receive a final distribution when the estate is closed. Field Services Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Field Organization The receipt deadline for 2016 budget expense reports was January 4. In advance of this deadline, several more Section Managers submitted their reports to Leona Adams and Steve Ewald for their review and initial handling. Thanks to the Accounting Office for handling these reports. The Field Organization Team also assisted new Western Pennsylvania Section Manager Joe Shupienis, W3BC. His term of office started January 1. Leona also reports that many Section Managers have been updating their appointment rosters as the New Year gets underway. Lab Reported by Bob AllisonWB1GCM Product Review Bob Allison completed testing of a three band, HF, QRP transceiver. A data table, charts and a comments document were created and forwarded to QST Product Review Editor, Mark Wilson and the reviewer. There were no testing issues. Bob then moved onto a dual band, VHF/UHF handheld analog/digital transceiver, which also has general coverage with CW, AM and SSB, plus GPS! A very tall vertical antenna is being reviewed for QST Product Review. For the review, the antenna was assembled in sections in the Lab’s workshop by Lab Volunteer, Pete Turbide, W1PT. The antenna was then moved to Bob Allison’s house, in Coventry, CT, where the final assembly took place. With the help of Mike Gruber, W1MG, Bob tuned the antenna to work on its nine ham bands. Unfortunately, the top two band did not tune, so more investigation is needed. At least the weather cooperated, considering it is January! [DSC06144][DSC06139] Operating Achievement Upon receiving paper QSL cards from 9H1XT and IS0XRB, Zack Lau has achieved 160 Meter DXCC! Zack handles the many emails and telephone inquiries that are received in the Lab each day from ARRL members as part of our Technical Information Service, an important membership benefit. RFI Mike Gruber responded to numerous telephone calls and emails from members regarding RFI issues. Mike had telephone discussions with Ron Hranac and Brian Cramer concerning updates to the latest p1897 draft document, which is 14. Mike also completed all updates and action items form the last meeting. As previously mentioned, a considerable amount of new material has been added. In addition to this, Mike worked on the EMC Committee Report for the upcoming board meeting. Publications Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY Problems with members logging in to digital QST using passwords containing ampersands and plus signs have been resolved by the PageSuite team. The e-mail notification for the digital edition of February 2017 has been delayed due to poor image quality on iOS apps, which is being addressed by PageSuite’s support team and developers this week. Alli is continuing to use member feedback to work with PageSuite’s team to improve the apps. Radiosport Reported by Norm Fusaro, W3IZ DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 3 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 2 – 3 Business Days Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Jackie Ferreira reports that December product sales were $265,283; the sales forecast was $317,665. Royalties earned on sales of our Kindle e-books were $7,054 ($88,263 year-to-date). Publication and product sales totaled $3,159,220 in 2016 ($3,084,938 in 2015) – $7,946 ahead of the forecast goal of $3,151,274. Direct sales were up nearly $44K over 2015, and comprised 59% of overall sales (same as 2014 and 2015). A postcard featuring the new 2016 ARRL Periodicals DVD was prepared to mail to past purchasers. Some graphics were produced for the image carousel on the website home page – including one to promote upcoming Division-level conventions. Our fulfillment and warehouse staff supported the annual physical inventory organized by Diane Middleton on Tuesday, Jan 3. We resumed processing and shipping orders before noon on Wednesday. Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Steve Capodicasa 01/16 PTO “ 02/06 PTO Lauren Clarke 01/19 PTO Steve Ewald 01/27 – 01/28 PTO Steve Ford 01/24 PTO Tom Gallagher 01/19 – 01/21 ARRL Annual Board Meeting, Windsor, CT “ 02/10 – 02/12 Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL Scott Gee 02/20 – 02/24 PTO Perry Green Medical Leave Dan Henderson 01/19 – 01/21 ARRL Annual Board Meeting, Windsor, CT Bart Jahnke 02/09 – 02/12 Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL Gail Iannone 10/07 – 02/05 Sick Leave Debra Johnson 01/20 PTO “ 01/27 PTO “ 01/30 PTO Bob Inderbitzen 02/09 – 02/13 Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL Debra Johnson 01/27 PTO “ 01/30 PTO Carla Pereira 01/18 – 01/21 ARRL Annual Board Meeting, Windsor, CT Barry Shelley 01/19 – 01/21 ARRL Annual Board Meeting, Windsor, CT Sincerely Compiled by, Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO