I am customizing the template in writing to my Congressman, who was the only one from Virginia to be a co-sponsor last session. I wanted to remind him of the number of licensees in the district, a fact that definitely gets the attention of members of Congress. When we were visiting offices on the Hill last year, eyes lit up when we cited numbers and provided lists of licensees. For new people on the ODV and to refresh the memory of others, we can get licensee statistics from a part of the web site that all of us on the ODV can access. Here's how it works. Go to the Grassroots Members page at http://www.arrl.org/grassroot-members
From that page, select Query Addresses in the box on the right which takes you to http://www.arrl.org/grassroot-members?p=db
On that page, use the drop boxes to select the set you want: FCC licensees (we don't provide just ARRL member listings) State Congressional District If you are looking for an entire state, you can select multiple districts - or you could use the FCC license counts from http://www.arrl.org/fcc-license-counts. I selected my Congressional district. At the top of the list of licensees is the count. According to Dan Henderson, club callsigns are filtered out, so only people (= potential voters) are counted and listed. 73 - Kay N3KN