23 Jan
23 Jan
6:04 p.m.
Ladies and Gentlemen: As a break from the serious discussions of the past weeks, you might try http://www3.sympatico.ca/ddufault/cq-serenade/cq-serenade.htm and download "version anglaise" of CQ Serenade. Many years ago Martti Laine, OH2BH, brought a copy to the Visalia DX Convention and played it, without announcement, at the Sunday breakfast. He almost created a riot - the audience was busy talking when several hundred people almost simultaneously realized what they were listening to. A humongous ROAR of cheers, applause, laughter, etc., erupted. A great event. The file is biggish, 463KB. You'll need REAL AUDIO to play it. 73. Jim, W6CF