Nice score, Joel.
For a non-contest data point, so far 24.2% of my February VP2V/K1ZZ QSOs (385 out of 1590) have been confirmed via LoTW. A few more show up every week.
Dave K1ZZ

From: Joel Harrison []
Sent: Thu 12/8/2005 8:51 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:13387] LoTW

Has LoTW become popular?

This past weekend I worked 1046 Q's in the ARRL 160 meter contest. Sunday
afternoon when I finished my log and sent it in, I also imported the contest
log into my station log, then uploaded the updated file to my LoTW account.

I immediately had 22 LoTW QSL's from contest QSO's with an hour left in the
contest (of course, 160 was dead then).

Last night, just three days after the contest, I have 122 LoTW QSL's from
contest QSO's.

I think LoTW is a keeper, and the expansion needs to continue!

73 Joel W5ZN