You may have met leading DXer
Kan Mizoguchi, JA1BK at the National Centennial Convention or somewhere else
along the way. For quite some time, Kan has been looking for the right program
to justify a substantial contribution to the ARRL Second Century Campaign. Last
month everything came together. The following announcement will be made this
Major ARRL Second Century Campaign Gift
from JA1BK Will Support DX Log Archive
A major donation from noted DXer Kan
Mizoguchi, JA1BK, to the ARRL Second Century Campaign will support “The DX Log
Archive Endowed by JA1BK.” Earnings from the generous gift will fund the
creation and management of a DX Log Archive Program for paper DX logs of rare
and significant DXpeditions that took place predominantly in the 1950s, 1960s,
and 1970s. The archive also would include pre-1950 paper logs, as well as those
from rare operations, and logs kept by long-time residents of very rare
The ARRL will be reaching out to the DX
community to collect paper DX station logs for inclusion. All logbooks will be
inventoried and housed at ARRL Headquarters.
Confirmations from archived logs will be
made available via Logbook of the World (LoTW) or, upon request, with a
traditional QSL card.
The ARRL Membership and Volunteer Programs
Department will manage the DX Log Archive Program. A qualified volunteer or
part-time ARRL employee will execute the project. Earnings also will fund any
equipment, software, and materials needed to maintain the
In addition to Kan and Mary
Hobart, who acted as midwife for Kan’s gift right up to her retirement day, I
want to recognize Bill Kennamer, K5FUV and Dave Patton, NN1N for their
invaluable assistance.
Kan does not wish to have the
amount of his contribution publicized, but for the private information of the
Board it was a stock transfer worth about $230,000. This amount will be shown in
our financial statements as a permanently restricted endowment fund with
earnings shown as a temporarily restricted fund until such time as they are used
for the designated purpose.
Dave Sumner,