With regard to the recent requests on ODV for information about IT projects, I think would point out that IT oversight is in the charter of the A&F Committee, not the entire Board. The intent of obtaining project information is for the Board to be able to gauge projects' progress, while avoiding micromanagement.
With that goal in mind, I propose the following approach to move forward.
will request IT management to provide some
additional detail to the task list from the 2014 Plan. Specifically, for each project, we wish to see
- the current stage of the project (see below);
- a rough estimate of the number of hours of IT effort remaining at the time of the report;
- a rough estimate of the hours (per week/per month or other appropriate index of effort) currently being devoted to the project from IT; and,
- a projected date for completion.
It would also be instructive to know if a project is on hold awaiting input from anywhere outside IT.
The report should be provided for
the April A&F meeting. After A&F review, the document will be
published to ODV.
For the "current stage" item, an indication of where the project is, in the 4 or 5 stages between Concept and Release, would be adequate. Since we do not have an ongoing report on project stages, initially we will request definitions of the stages along with the projects' ratings.
The Board needs to monitor the progress of these important IT projects, at the same time that it provides IT management the freedom to do their jobs without excessive overhead. Hopefully a periodic report such as described above will meet both those needs.
Greg Widin, K0GW
2014 A&F Chairman