I would like to thank all here that have participated this year handing out VOTA points to our members.As you all know this event started out rather slow, gained some momentum, and had a big peak the other day for Red Badge day. I know a few have not uploaded logs for some activity but I took a snapshot this morning of those listed on page 15 in QST. ( if you are not listed, you have an outstanding log perhaps ?)I thought it was pretty interesting to see my fellow page 15ers (yes I just made that up) have to date reported almost 42K QSOs and have collected 386K combined points.Collectively we have handed out 9,225,175 points to our members.After this upcoming activity on the 31st, and everyone uploads logs, I'm sure these numbers are going farther up and we might break the 10 million mark in total points handed out.73 and see you all on the bands again on the 31st.Mark, HDX