Fried- As a new Vice President, the first item is your salary review. This may be hard to believe, but VP salaries are lower than Director salaries. Please complete the attached salary review and forward the results to Jim Haynie. Thanks for your cooperation! 73, Art W6XD
-----Original Message----- From: Fried Heyn(3rd VP) [mailto:lucky@surfpage.com] Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 1:40 PM To: ODV Cc: Jennifer Hagy, N1TDY; Rosalie White(F&ES Mgr) Subject: [ARRL-ODV:6895] Good to be back...
On a personal note, it is good to be back. Since I have not received ODV traffic since the beginning of the year, I have a lot of catching up to
I also did not receive the book of material for the Board meeting nor the proposed budget plan but will borrow a copy to review.
Looks like my ARRL retirement was short-lived. Thanks for your confidence in me. Hopefully, I will prove to be deserving of the new position. Any suggestions or advice will be most appreciated.