As you know, the ARRL staff response to the Katrina-Rita-Wilma disasters was quite different from what HQ has done during previous major disasters. Some of this difference was due to the magnitude of this cluster of disasters, and some of it was due to a different approach brought to bear by management people who took up their present positions since the last spate of disasters in 2004. In talking with members of the HQ response team over the past few weeks, at Harold's request, I've learned a lot about what they did, and why, and how they feel about it all. Most of them feel very positive about what happened and how they were enabled to contribute. Several of our staff members really went above and beyond their job descriptions. Our staff responded as ARRL employees and hams, but they also responded simply as decent human beings touched by the suffering of the people in the hurricane areas. On the whole, after these conversations, I can't overstate how proud I am of our staff. With Harold's approval, I would like to make sure the Board has a list of who served on the HQ response team, in case you are inclined to give some verbal pats on the back, perhaps when we gather for the Board meeting in January. The staff members on the team in addition to Harold were Jon Bloom KE3Z, Joe Carcia NJ1Q, Steve Ewald WV1X, Steve Ford WB8IMY, Norm Fusaro W3IZ, Dan Henderson N1ND, Mary Hobart K1MMH, Greg Kwasowski KB1GJF, Rick Lindquist N1RL, Wayne Mills N7NG, Bill Moore NC1L, Jodi Morin KA1JPA, Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV, Dave Patton NN1N, Allen Pitts W1AGP, Janet Rocco KB1MOZ, Chuck Skolaut K0BOG, Maty Weinberg KB1EIB, and Rosalie White K1STO. Rosalie participated at a distance from her new home in Indiana. 73 - Kay N3KN