The message has been out there for more than 8 hours and the only people we’ve heard from about it are arrl.org addressees. We’ve alerted SMs; just about everyone else is covered by an alert sent to staff and Marty’s original posting to ODV. Dave From: Marty Woll [mailto:n6vi@socal.rr.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 2:29 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: Fw: ACCOUNT HOLDER Importance: High It apears someone's going phishing! Suggest HQ alert members ASAP to ignore this. 73, Marty N6VI ----- Original Message ----- From: ARRL Message <mailto:wstjames@peoplepc.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 10:11 PM Subject: ACCOUNT HOLDER We are currently performing maintenance on our ARRL webmail Server.We intend upgrading our ARRL Server for better online services. In order to ensure you do not experience service interruption, Please you must reply to this email immediately and enter your Username (_____________) here and password here (___________) and Check out your new features and enhancements with your new and improved webmail account. To enable us upgrade your Account for better online services please reply to this mail urgently. Thank you for using American Radio Relay League Service. ________________________________________ PeoplePC Online A better way to Internet http://www.peoplepc.com