A member of the E&E Committee has suggested a minor revision or two to E&E #1. Those revisions are non-substantive and explained in the motion.


For example, the member points to the opening phrase of By-Law 41:


Apply guidelines for ethical conduct by ARRL officials adopted by the Board . . .


He asks: “If I adopt ARRL officials, do I have to feed them, too?”


He suggests the phrase be changed to read:


“Apply guidelines adopted by the Board concerning ethical conduct by ARRL officials, including … “


So I beg you to trash Version 2, distributed earlier this evening, and consider Version 3, distributed herewith. Again, no substantive changes are contemplated by any of the three suggested changes in E&E#1.


Fred Hopengarten, Esq.    K1VR     hopengarten@post.harvard.edu

Six Willarch Road

Lincoln, MA 01773                        antennazoning.com
