Here is my weekly Web update for the week of June 21:
The DXCC Rules pages have been updated and
revised. Thanks to Cliff Ahrens and Norm Fusaro for their help with this:
The ARRL Rules and Regulations public pages have
been added on the public portion of the site:
The Membership Certificate Maker was added:
A new version of Exam Maker software for VEs
with the updated Technician Question Pool has been completed and will be
added when the new Question pool goes into effect on July 1. Thanks to Jon
Bloom on this one.
(Note: we just reached 33,000 VEs- the highest count ever)
The multiple appointments errors were fixed on
the SM sites.
The VE exam session data has been fixed. This
data still will also be resynced to clean up any residual errors early next
Still in progress:
While some of the club data has been fixed, it
will be re-synced next week after a new, improved form is added for changes in
Club Data.
Backend/Administrative tools are undergoing
ongoing improvements
Full integration between the store and our
internal systems to eliminate re-keying of publication orders.
Ability to change a member’s address on
the Web site.
Note: When the Web site first launched, Deb Jahnke
introduced a trial offer for advertisers willing to advertise on the new Web
site. The trial offer ran out this week, and every advertiser renewed due
to their strong results.
Harold Kramer
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860 594 -0220