Vol. 42, No. 11
March 24, 2017
Covers the period March 11 – March 17, 2017
Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events:
Texas State Convention
March 24 – 25 @ Houston, TX
ARRL Executive Committee Meeting
March 25 @ Denver, CO
Administrative & Finance Committee Meeting
March 26 @ Denver, CO
Nevada State Convention
March 31 – April 2 @ Las Vegas, NV
Roanoke Division Convention
April 15 @ Raleigh, NC
Delaware State Convention
April 22 @ Georgetown, DE
National VOAD Conference
May 15 – 18 @ Houston, TX
Hamvention 2017
May 19 – 21 @ Xenia, OH
SEA-PAC 2017
June 2 – 4 @ Seaside, OR
Chief Executive Office
Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF
Tom prepared the CEO’s report and presentation to the Executive and Administrative & Finance Committees in Denver, CO taking place this weekend.
Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Teacher Registration |
Instructor Registration |
Graduation Kit Requests |
License Class Listings |
1 |
8 |
0 |
10 |
Debra worked extensively on tracking down data issues with instructor and teacher listings produced by the new instructor reporting system. IT executed changes
to the instructor and teacher listing queries.
We received early responses to the online survey sent to ETP grant recipients. Debra worked on resending undeliverable emails.
Debra finalized the last details of the resources needed to support the 2017 Teachers Institute with instructors.
The new ARISS flyer was finalized with the Graphics team and sent to print.
ARISS Contacts:
Field Services
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Field Organization
Leona Adams has been coordinating with fellow staff members in preparation for the two Section Manager elections that are taking place this spring in Utah and
Northern New Jersey. Leona has also been preparing the election ballots and the candidate statements. These election items are scheduled to go out the local printer during the third week of March. After printing, Headquarters will mail these ballots no later
than April 3.
Steve Ewald continued to receive February Field Organization activity reports during this past week, and he compiled these reports for the monthly column that
will appear in May QST.
Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY
The May 2017 issue of
QST has been uploaded to the printer.
Alli and Jodi are working with PageSuite to adjust publication settings in order to improve the download speed and font problems. Alli took part in a conference
call with Dave Sumner and IARU’s website managers about renovating the IARU region websites.
Reported by Norm Fusaro, W3IZ
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time |
2 Weeks |
Logbook Processing Time |
1 – 2 Business Days |
2017 DXCC Applications |
2,509 |
2017 WAS Applications |
334 |
2017 VUCC Applications |
96 |
2017 WPX Applications |
131 |
Sales & Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Jackie Ferreira reports that
a solicitation was emailed during the week to help bolster sales of the 2017
ARRL Handbook. It contributed 95 orders. Bob Inderbitzen prepared an
announcement for the new 2017-2018 ARRL Repeater Directory.
Membership application administration and related recordkeeping was completed to help support upcoming elections. We also provided support for a survey
being conducted by the Entry Level License Committee.
Bob prepared for his upcoming trips as a staff representative. He’s attending the Greater Houston Hamfest, March 24-25, and the ARRL Nevada State Convention,
March 31-April 2. Bob also completed some planning for ARRL’s participation at July’s international ham radio exhibition in Germany.
Yvette Vinci is handling some of our Hamvention planning, including coordination with the exhibit services company for decorating and materials handling.
Reminder: Board members supporting our exhibits and activities at Hamvention, May 19-21, should complete and submit the following online registration
form by March 31: The online registration form will help us organize room reservations, badges, apparel and staffing for the event. Our registration tally to date is 75 ARRL Team members.
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
Leona Adams 03/31 PTO
“ 04/07 PTO
Bob Allison 04/07 – 04/10 Wayne NJ Phonograph Show, Wayne, NJ
“ 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Margie Bourgoin 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Joe Carcia 03/24 PTO
“ 03/31 PTO
“ 04/05 – 04/13 PTO
“ 05/26 PTO
“ 07/05 – 07/07 PTO
“ 07/14 PTO
“ 07/21 PTO
“ 07/28 PTO
“ 08/04 PTO
“ 08/07 – 08/11 PTO
“ 08/18 PTO
“ 08/25 PTO
“ 10/09 PTO
Lauren Clarke 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Michael Corey 03/28 – 03/31 National Public Safety Telecommunications Council
Governing Board Meeting, Las Vegas, NV
“ 05/15 – 05/18 National VOAD Conference, Houston, TX
“ 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Steve Ewald 03/29 – 04/06 PTO
“ 04/07 – 04/08 Oklahoma Section Convention, Claremore, OK
Jon Faasen 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Norm Fusaro 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Tom Gallagher 03/24 – 03/27 Executive Committee and Administrative and Finance
Committee Meetings, Denver, CO
“ 03/31 PTO
“ 04/18 Penn Fund Executive Board Meeting, NYC
“ 04/21 – 04/23 Delaware State Convention, Georgetown, DE
“ 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
“ 06/01 – 06-04 SEA-PAC, Seaside, OR
Regina Galuppi 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Scott Gee 05/18 – 05/19 PTO
“ 05/30 – 06/02 PTO
“ 09/15 – 09/18 PTO
Perry Green TBD Medical Leave
Mike Gruber 04/19 IEEE EMC Society, Batavia, IL
“ 05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Dan Henderson 03/24 – 03/27 Executive Committee and Administrative and Finance
Committee Meetings, Denver, CO
“ 04/13 – 04/22 Presentation at Mt Airy VHF Society’s annual ARRL
Night and PTO
Bob Inderbitzen 03/23 – 03/26 Texas State Convention, Houston, TX
“ 03/30 – 04/03
Nevada State Convention, Las Vegas, NV
“ 04/14 – 04/15 Roanoke Division Convention, Raleigh, NC
“ 05/17 – 05/22 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Sabrina Jackson
05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Debra Johnson 03/29 – 04/03 NSTA National Conference, Los Angeles, CA
“ 04/07 PTO
Sean Kutzko 04/10 – 04/13 PTO
05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
“ 05/25 – 05/30 Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Cody, WY
“ 06/29 – 06/30 PTO
Zach Lau 03/31 PTO
Kimberly McNeill 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Dave Patton 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Michael Scharr
05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Becky Schoenfeld 04/10 – 04/13 PTO
05/18 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Barry Shelley
03/24 – 03/27 Executive Committee and Administrative and Finance
Committee Meetings, Denver, CO
“ 03/28 Risk Strategies, Chicago, IL
Yvette Vinci 05/17 – 05/21 Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH
Sincerely Compiled by,
Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO