Back home from Dayton. A very good weekend and a very good crowd. A report and info from me (and various others, I'm sure) will appear in the coming days. In a nutshell, everyone was upbeat, interested in and enthusiastic about being on the air and appreciative of ARRL and our work. Only about a half dozen complaints..one of those from Steve Waterman and the other from Tom Blackwell who each bent my ear individually for well over an hour. The other four were trivial issues. No complaints whatsoever to me about regulation by bandwidth. A detailed report as soon as I can catch up. Last week I was in D.C. on Wednesday & Thursday (May 9 & 10), then left Sunday (Mother's Day) to attend the IARU Administrative Council meeting in Boston on Monday & Tuesday to cover an agenda item as President of the society serving as the International Secretariat. I arrived home late Tuesday evening then left early Thursday morning for Dayton. So, needless to say, it has been a fast and furious two weeks. I'll get reports out as quickly as possible during the next few days. One note, though, Kim and I will be out of the continental U.S. beginning Tuesday (May 22) until I return for the Atlantic Division Convention in Rochester on June 1. I will not be answering phone calls or emails during this time although Dave does know how to reach me should the need arise. The fact that we're going to be gone is confidential information so please respect that and do not pass it on to anyone. Thanks. 73 Joel W5ZN