Hi all:
We’ve had a couple of misfires lately that we need to
The first issue has to do with requests for information and
the second has to do with how a request is made.
We have the EC and A&F meetings both this weekend, and
like what seems to occur before committee meetings, and especially the Board
meetings, Directors ask Staff, like Barry, for information. Sometimes the
request is substantial and takes considerable time and effort to obtain. At the
same time, Staff is busy getting ready for the committee meeting only to
have to stop and address a Director’s request. This can, of course, impact
other priorities, and even cause problems within the respective committee, especially
if it is not coordinated with the chair.
The other problem is simply a chain of command issue. Tom
has mentioned this before that he prefers for requests of Staff to go through him.
That way he can assess the request, the impact on priorities, any cost issues
to meet the request, and who to assign it to along with tracking progress and
We need your help with this and so effective immediately let’s
try to follow these guidelines:
1. Any Director request for information from Staff should be
made directly to Tom Gallagher.
2. Information requests for a committee meeting or a board
meeting should be made at least two weeks in advance. I realize there could be
extraordinary circumstances where this may not be possible, but absent such
circumstances then let’s try to adhere to a “two week rule.”
Your help on following these guidelines will be greatly
Rick – K5UR