8 Mar
8 Mar
3:43 p.m.
Nigerian, South African, Kenyan...I am worth 35 Billion dollars now...Don't tell Mary Hobart, she will want her cut. 73 Sandy, W4RU --- Coy Day <n5ok.ok@worldnet.att.net> wrote:
Is anyone working the "Nigerian Opportunities" e-mail that we continue to receive? I'm up to 4 - 5 a day now. I must have more of a web presence than I thought.
Coy ------ Coy Day, N5OK, ARRL West Gulf Division Director, RR 1 Box 254, Union City, OK 73090-9726 (405) 483-5632 mailto:n5ok@arrl.org Web: http://home.att.net/~n5ok.ok/
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