Just a note to ODV, (and PSC members not on ODV), that the next PSC meeting will be held via Zoom on 4/11/22 at 0130Z, ie: 8:30PM EDT, 7:30PM CDT, 6:30PM MDT, or 5:30PM PDT. Note that this 1/2 hour later than normal, just in case I have a Foundation ARDC scholarship interview to conduct that evening that happens to run long.
I'll have the agenda out to everybody in the next few days. In the meantime, here is the Zoom information:
Meeting: ARRL Programs and Services Committee
Time: Apr 11, 2022 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 896 1506 2452
Passcode: 853843
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Meeting ID: 896 1506 2452
Passcode: 853843
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