Yes, excellent idea!
I think many remember that one year when we asked Dave Sumner to immediately send out bullet points of all that was accomplished at the board meeting to ODV, so that we could immediately get the word out to SM’s, members and have appropriate, and timely discussion points for any speaking engagements immediately after the board meeting. I remember that document being 1-2 pages and was a great help.
A brief story on the ARRL news crawl/ARRL letter ASAP would be welcome as well. If I remember correctly, the board minutes in July took about a month to reach the members. I wasn’t on the board then, so I do not know the particulars.
‘73 de Jim N2ZZ
Director – Roanoke Division
Representing ARRL members in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia
ARRL – the national association for Amateur Radio
Facebook Page: ARRL Roanoke Division
From: arrl-odv <> On Behalf Of Mike Raisbeck via arrl-odv
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 4:59 PM
Subject: [arrl-odv:33358] Getting the word out ...
Hi All,
I notice that basic information about the BoD meeting has not made to the website yet (or perhaps I'm just getting blind in my old age ...) In past years basic things have been made public rather earlier. There is no reason why we shouldn't have already published something basic about the Clean Signal Initiative, the Foundation election, and the Officer elections. No need to wait for approved minutes to get some of this out there.
When people criticize us for being opaque, this sort of delay is what is setting them off.