Trying it offline to see if it still works is exactly the point!  When I turn off WiFi, it says "Authentication Error" when I try to open a different issue than I had open when WiFi was on.  If I turn WiFi back on, then go back to the QST app, it opens the issue fine, and gives me no error.

I believe that the major advantage of iOS 6 WRT the QST app was supposed to be precisely being able to open such archives when you're offline.
Give it a try, I think you will have the same experience.

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Brian Mileshosky <> wrote:
Really?  I can download an issue and read it on iOS5.  Haven't killed
the internet to see if it in fact works entirely offline, but I have
been able to download and read that mag.


On Nov 7 2012 10:26 AM, G Widin wrote:
> Harold,
> The OFFLINE reading of downloaded electronic issues of QST will only
> work if the user is on iOS 6+.  Many, many iOS users haven't yet
> upgraded, pending availability of their favorite apps in an iOS 6
> version.  The note just sent out should really point this out, or
> there are going to be a lot of people who do everything "right" but
> still can't see the issues when they're disconnected.  The version I
> just received in e-mail doesn't point this out.
> Also, the announcement says "GO GREEN! GO DIGITAL-ONLY. ARRL members
> may choose to opt-out of the mailed, print edition of _QST_ at any
> time. Complete our online opt-ou [8]t form [8]."
>  I thought we were not going to advertise the opt-out.  I have a
> problem when ODV is advised to do something (be quiet about the
> opt-out feature), only to have it announced or promoted by HQ in
> direct contradiction to what we've been asked to do.  This doesn't
> help anyone.
>  73,
>             Greg, K0GW
> On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Kramer, Harold, WJ1B <>
> wrote:
>> Separate copy of this email to ARRL Department Heads and Digital
>> Launch Team
>> Here is an update on the status of the launch of the dedicated
>> Digital QST Apple iOS app.
>> ·         The new online privacy policy has been approved by GC
>> Chris Imlay; Maria Somma, our in-house privacy policy expert; and the
>> Digital QST launch team.  I sent this policy to ODV in a previous
>> email.
>> ·         Nxtbook has also verified in writing that the policy
>> conforms to their standards.
>> ·         The Online Privacy Policy has now been published on our
>> website. [1]
>> ·         We have cross linked the General ARRL Privacy Policy and
>> the ARRL Online Privacy policy so that members will have easy access
>> to both policies. [2]
>> ·         The ARRL online privacy policy link will be added to the
>> iTunes store, as part of the information about the QST app, as soon as
>> Apple completes the update.  Based on our past experience, this should
>> take no longer than a day or two.
>> ·         We have added an explanation of how to disable the app’s
>> tracking function to the Digital QST FAQ page.
>> [3]
>> ·         We have added language to the Digital QST page at
>> [4] that the new member benefit of the Digital
>> QST iOS app is now available.
>> ·         Today, we will send an email to 10,000 randomly selected
>> members announcing the availability of the app. These members will
>> provide us with initial feedback on any customer service issues before
>> we launch to the full membership.
>> [5]  Magdalena Owczarska
>> will monitor and respond to inquiries from this form.
>> ·         The customer service staff has been trained to support
>> this app.
>> ·         If this initial test is successful, we will email the rest
>> of the membership later this week or early next week.
>> ·         Board Members will receive this email just like other
>> members so that they will know exactly what members have received.  I
>> will not be sending a separate ODV message with the email pasted into
>> it.
>> ·         Without any formal roll out, about 1,000 members have
>> already downloaded the app from the viral spread of the information
>> from the Board, SMs and other testers.  Some members simply discovered
>> it in the iTunes store.
>> 73,
>> Harold
>> Harold Kramer, WJ1B
>> Chief Operating Officer
>> ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio
>> 225 Main Street
>> Newington, CT 06111
>> (860) 594 -0220 [6]
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