In reviewing the
2009 strategic Plan the Board developed, I noted we selected the following Value
Disciplines to achieve. Although our self-selected task was to
achieve only one of the following four items, I suggest that item No 1 (my
numbering would likely be an inherent result of accomplishing either of the
items I've numbered 2-4 while practicing good "customer relations."
with our members, the customers. The entry in the Strategic Plan is
largely on p. 7 and reads:
ARRL can
have a reputation and image for providing excellence in one of the following
four identities of excellence:
Membership focus and attention (I feel
like I am their only member).
Strong representation and advocacy for Amateur Radio (the voice of
Amateur Radio).
Leading edge products, programs and services.
4. Operational effectiveness and efficiency.
I suggest that
especially in the case of the new web site, we have often lost sight of the need
to practice good customer relations in dealing with either the issues members
have politely or sometimes impolitely brought to the attention of
The problem a few
GLD members have reported to me is that upon reporting issues in the proper
manner to HQ (including often using the "having trouble or problems" form)
they receive no acknowledgment of their their report. Although I
suspect this is not always true, I also know some of the persons who have
made these statements (of no acknowledgment) to me and accept they are being
To me, it is
difficult to understand why sending a quick response to a member who is trying
to be helpful is so difficult. The acknowledgement does not need to
be extensive and could be canned such as "I received your report and have passed
it to the person in charge of the area. Thanks for your
Without a response,
a message is still sent back to the member. Unfortunately, the implied
message back is that ARRL doesn't giver a hoot if he is a member.
Far from believing he/she is a valued member I suspect the belief is
that it is only his dues money (and maybe donation money) that counts. The
message he construes can also be likely to be that ARRL would be most
happy if the member had not bugged it and had let it
alone. This certainly not a message that says the member
is about as far as one can get from our objective of giving
members the believe they are the "only" member.
I don't know about
other directors, but my policy is to acknowledge every message I
receive up to the moment at which any string may become rude. Is there a
reason HQ staff should not have the same policy?
I would like to
learn how others feel about this?
Jim Weaver,
K8JE, Director
ARRL Great
Lakes Division
5065 Bethany
Mason, OH 45040; Tel.
national organization for AMATEUR RADIO