9 JUN, 2004 - 2230 CDT
I thought you all might be interested in seeing the first Central
Meritorious Service Award that I awarded to the Starved Rock
Radio Club
this past Sunday, June 6th at their hamfest. With the able
of the Illinois SEC, Pat Ryan, KC6VVT, the local area press was
The message appended below provides the URLs for the SRRC's website and
the News Tribune web site.
It's my intention that this award only be given out for true
communications service. The tornado that wrecked the center of
Illinois and killed 8 people on April 20, 2004 was the first
I have also attached a PDF file of the award certificate before it
matted and framed. It's about 1.4 Mb in size and will take a few
to download if you do not have a high-speed Internet connection.
the total cost of the award and the 50 plus individual
was less than $50.
If any other director wants to do this, I will set you up with the
certificate stock specification, (available at most office supply stores
in packages of 25), the ARRL diamond shadow JPG file, and award text file
(so you will have the font styling and sizing).
73 - Dick, W9GIG
To: w9gig@arrl.org
Cc: n9sh@arrl.org,kc6vvt@juno.com
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 22:50:27 -0500
Subject: SEC/IL Fw: News Tip and the missed Starved Rock Radio Club
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
From: "R. Patrick Ryan" <kc6vvt@juno.com>
Return-Path: kc6vvt@juno.com
Dick W9GIG,
Thanks for the ARRL award and all your hard work! All comments seem
to indicate that all humbled and very much gratified for ARRL award and
Regarding the later interview at the hamfest with our local news folks
from the News Tribune, thought you ought to see the below tip sent to
NT in advance, and the resulting newspaper article is posted on the
SRRC web page now. See
For a printable version on the News Tribune web page, see
The ARRL Meritorious Service award was posted inside on the SRRC
clubhouse walls at Leonore, IL for members, participants and visitors
alike to view before the monthly meeting this Monday.
Thanks again for your grand effort, keep up the fine business.
vy 73 de Pat Ryan
ARRL Illinois Section Emergency Coordinator