We're pleased to welcome Dave Greer, N4KZ, of Frankfort, Kentucky as our new ARRL News Editor! Dave will begin editing and producing the ARRL Letter and ARRL Audio News next week. He succeeds Rick Lindquist, WW1ME, in these duties - as Rick has decided to retire from this role. Dave's professional background, though retired about 2 years ago, includes 40-years as a print and broadcast journalist, including 18-years with the Kentucky Press Association. Dave was licensed in February 1969 as a teen and has been very active in amateur radio throughout his entire life. He operates 160 to 6 meters on SSB, CW and digital, and holds many operating awards from ARRL including DXCC, 8 Band DXCC, DXCC Honor Roll and 5 Band Worked All Zones from CQ. On VHF, he has been active on weak-signal modes on 2 meters, worked meteor scatter and made more than a few EME contacts on 2-meter CW. He has attended Dayton Hamvention 38 times starting in 1976! He served two terms on the ARRL Public Relations Committee and volunteered as an ARRL Official Observer.