Agreed. We have one chance to get this right. DIY is rolling the dice here. Ria N2RJ On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 11:09, Bud Hippisley <bud@w2ru.net> wrote:
I concur.
On Jan 24, 2019, at 10:23 AM, John Robert Stratton <N5AUS@n5aus.com> wrote:
Howard and All
With respect to all who have attempted to improve what initially was a terribly weak and defeatist first draft, this draft remains weak. My concerns, expressed last night, remain.
I will also renew a concern I have previously expressed. These are public statements — issued for public relations purposes. No such statement should be drafted by a committee. Remember, a camel is a horse designed by a committee.
While we have a myriad and excellent skill set on this Board, we do not have PR professionals. As talented wordsmiths as many are (or think we are), we live in a world in which words are both weapons and windows into the soul of our organization. We have few opportunities to define ourselves to the Members and the public. On an issue as important as this, our statement should be one, approved by us, but crafted by professionals.
With respect to all, the issuance of a statement this weak is a disservice to the League and the Members.
If any take offense, you should not. My comments are not directed at any particular wordsmithing effort. It is directed to a continuation of a past of the unwillingness to adopt a professional approach to a world populated by those who either wish our stewardship of a large swath of frequencies to be diminished or who are hostile to the very existence of Amateur Radio.
We are a $32 million dollar organization, with a $15 million annual budget, with international presence and responsibilities. We may be Amateurs, but we should not conduct our business as, with or by amateurs. If we insist on continuing to do so, the future will find us standing in the pantheon of history alongside Ozymandias.
John Robert Stratton
Legislative Director
West Gulf Division
Office: 512-445-6262
Cell: 512-426-2028
P.O. Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232
On 1/24/19 8:50 AM, Michel, Howard, WB2ITX (CEO) wrote:
Dear Officers, Directors, and Vice Directors,
Thanks for helping make this release better. I believe that we have captured the Board's sentiment as expressed in the approved motion and the oral discussion captured in the audio recording. This press release does not go further than that.
ARRL Board Statement on Amateur Radio Parity Act
At its annual meeting, held Jan. 18-19 in Windsor, CT, the ARRL Board of Directors decided that the organization needs to “review, re-examine and reappraise the ARRL’s regulatory and legislative policy with regard to private land use restrictions.”
In order to effectively undertake such a review, the Board adopted a resolution to withdraw its Petition for Rule Making to the FCC (which would amend its Part 97 Amateur Service rules to incorporate the provisions of the Amateur Radio Parity Act), without prejudice to refiling. The resolution also asks the members of Congress who had refiled legislation to enact the Amateur Radio Parity Act (ARPA) to refrain from seeking to advance that legislation pending further input from the ARRL.
Board members noted that the ARRL has been pursuing adoption of the ARPA for the past several years and that objective has not yet been achieved. While everyone understands that getting Congressional approval on any matter can be a lengthy process, the difficulties getting the ARPA approved has been a source of frustration to the organization and its members. A majority of the board now believes that there is a need to reassess the organization’s approach to this issue.
The Board wants to make clear to its members, and to those whose policies and conduct prevent or impair the right of U.S. Amateur Radio operators to operate from their homes, that this pause is not, and should not be interpreted as an abandonment of its efforts to obtain relief from private land use restrictions. The Board noted that its “intent [is] to renew, continue and strengthen the ARRL’s effort to achieve relief from such restrictions.” This action represents a chance to get the best product possible for all U.S. amateur radio operators.
The Board did express its sincere appreciation for the thousands of ARRL members who took the time to contact their representatives in Congress to urge them to support the Amateur Radio Parity Act. The Board also offered its thanks to those members of Congress who have consistently and continuously supported the rights of U.S. amateur radio operators
73, Howard, WB2ITX
-- Howard E. Michel, WB2ITX Chief Executive Officer ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio® 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA Telephone: +1 860-594-0404 email: hmichel@arrl.org
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