I read about this on ARRLWeb on August 26.
Sounds great.

On 9/1/08, Andy Oppel <andy@andyoppel.com> wrote:
I consider this big news in the HF Digital arena:

-------- Original Message --------
New HF Digital Protocol to Debut at DCC
Winlink 2000 network

WINMOR, an HF digital protocol designed for use with the Winlink 2000
network, will be unveiled at the upcoming ARRL/TAPR Digital
Communications Conference in Chicago, September 26-28.

According to developer Rick Muething, KN6KB, WINMOR will effectively
eliminate the need for external PACTOR hardware. "This new protocol is
implemented through a Windows application that uses a computer sound
card for all the analog-to-digital conversion. It provides error-free
ARQ transfers within 200, 500 or 2000 Hz bandwidths," Muething said.

In terms of throughput, Muething said that the 200-Hz WINMOR mode
appears to equal the performance of PACTOR I. In WINMOR's 2000 Hz mode,
its performance rivals PACTOR III.

"WINMOR is a work in progress," Muething said. "We won't be pulling the
wraps off a finished application at the conference. We're close, though.
I'd like to see on-air testing in 3 to 6 months."

Conference information and registration is available online or by
telephone at 972-671-8277. Rick Muething's presentation paper, WINMOR. .
. A Sound Card ARQ Mode for Winlink HF Digital Messaging, is included in
the conference proceedings. Proceedings will also be available for sale
on the ARRL Web after the conference.

Andy Oppel, N6AJO
Vice Director, Pacific Division
American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
The National Association for Amateur Radio

home:  (510) 864-2299
cell:     (510) 912-0985