Very good points Frank, and I fully agree. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the idea of a vest, just being involved in the ARES group here in San Diego for many years, I know some can get stuck in their ways, and are not always ready for change. I agree with Jim and Steve that we need to remember it is Amateur Radio that we are serving, and ARES or RACES is a smaller part of the picture. As I believe Jim said, Amateur Radio should be displayed prominently at the top of the vest, then maybe a patch saying ARES or RACES, whatever the case. The other point I was trying to make with the SDG SM was to hold off just a bit, until the board looks into it, as we might be able to get a considerable discount with a quantity purchase, and then folks could in turn buy them from the League. 73, Tuck NZ6T Frank Fallon wrote:
I checked the site and saw the vest. They look nice but they send the wrong message. Almost no one outside of Amateur Radio circles knows what ARES or RACES is. I am sure that ARES and RACES members feel great about wearing them, but they sure don't help us to sell Amateur Radio. I think our job as a board is to sell Amateur Radio. I'm for putting Amateur Radio in a prominent place - read high on the back here - and if you must then add RACES or ARES patch below and smaller. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against either ARES or RACES, but they are simply part of a much larger and more important, Amateur Radio.
As for firestorms. No one is going to be forced to buy and wear any garment. I am sure that some groups will want to continue to do it their way. They always do. I am also aware that some states have regulations about fabric and colors at forest fire scenes, etc. But let's not loose sight of the fact that both ARES and RACES are part of a much larger AMATEUR RADIO. We have, unfortunately, recently seen even a few section managers loosing sight of the big picture. We may need to explain to our members why we are doing this. I believe that it is vitally important to any PR or lobbying effort that the public know who we are when we respond.
It was after viewing the response to 9/11 in New York City where the hams who responded either wore no distinctive garment or wore a Red Cross vest that I made the motion at the January Board meeting which led to the VRC developing a garment. If we don't let people, especially media types, know what we are we really cannot expect to get media coverage.
Once the garment is available I plan to buy a few and give them away to a few ARES volunteers in my division in hopes that they will be worn and more hams will buy them and use them. At some point I hope it will become the fashion and the norm.
Have a nice holiday weekend and may nothing happen that will catch us without our Amateur Radio vests this weekend.
73 de Frank....N2FF.....
-- ************************************************ Remember, Helping Others....Always Worthwhile!! Southwestern Division Vice Director American Radio Relay League (ARRL) The national association for AMATEUR RADIO Are you a member yet? If not, visit http://www.arrl.org/join.html 2002 SWD Convention, Aug 16-18 For Registration forms, click on http://sd2002.hamcon.net/mainpage.html?registration.html Tuck's Personal Web Page: http://www.qsl.net/nz6t