I believe the League is using Office365 which means SharePoint would be in the cloud.

There are templates which would format sharepoint to have the workflow for a Board meeting.


But even Microsoft doesn’t use SharePoint for running its own board meetings. Rather, they use it to prepare and then put it into a third party board portal.


It all depends on what we want to invest, time and money wise into this.

Either way, the concept of a central repository with documents and version control is far superior to the paper method. 


On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 1:31 PM Lee Cooper <w5lhc01@gmail.com> wrote:

Btw, Sharepoint has shared editing with auto versioning, workflow capabilities and you can tie custom calendaring and discussion forums to the document.

Just an fyi -


On August 6, 2019, at 11:37, Greg Sarratt <gsarratt@att.net> wrote:

I like paper but would try a hybrid on the right platform. For configuration control and ease of use, electronic would need to be online. There are lots of online sites, but the problem is security. 

I use MS SharePoint for file sharing and collaboration. We may already have this software.  It would be hosted on our servers.

It would be nice to get motions adequate time before the meeting so the Board members can review, ask questions and reduce the on-the-fly editing.

Greg, W4OZK 

-------- Original message --------
From: Rod Blocksome <rod.blocksome@gmail.com>
Date: 8/5/19 11:42 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net>
Subject: [arrl-odv:28513] Re: ARRL Board Book Poll

I'm with Mike on this.  Can we get more details on how this would work?
Especially with all the on-the-fly editing of motions that typically takes place during the meeting session.  How do they get handled so that by the time the vote is called we all have the same corrected copy electronically?

Revision control of documents and motions?

Rod, K0DAS

On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 3:52 PM Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net> wrote:


I may be in the minority, but I'd like more information as to how this would actually work before I vote. For example,  would we be given memory sticks loaded with all the files necessary to conduct the meeting at the start, then we'd use our laptops to download and refer to them during the meeting?  Would we be assigned a tablet from HQ at each meeting that would be pre-loaded with documentation, or is this an e-hosting situation using a commercial website that specializes in paperless meetings? Would a networked printer be available during the meeting to be able to print out hard copies of documents, if needed?

Would there be a net cost savings? I would imagine that staff preparation time would be drastically reduced, (especially if overtime is involved in assembling all those binders), and associated printing and paper costs along with them, but what will the options cost? 

If this was a request to come up with viable options to paper for meetings, I'd support it 100%. (Even though I live in a state that produces a lot of trees for making paper ;-). I'd certainly like to know more about what the options actually are, so the pros and cons can be analyzed. Both paper and paperless options have advantages and disadvantages. 




On August 5, 2019 at 8:40 AM "Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX" <cpereira@arrl.org> wrote:

Dear Officers, Directors and Vice Directors:


At the most recent Administration & Finance Committee meeting, there was a discussion regarding whether the ARRL should switch to paperless Board meetings, as more and more organizations are doing for a number of reasons. The Committee asked that a poll be taken of all current ODV members as to their preference. Please use this survey link to indicate if you support switching to electronic Board Meeting books: https://doodle.com/poll/3nue2tgitssi3ca2


Thank you for your time and participation.





Carla Pereira, KC1HSX

Executive Manager


Newington, CT 06111





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