I’m replying to this a little late, but this is something
we should investigate at a few different levels for a few different
applications, including:
1) Archived QST, QEX and NCJ issues (complete) for sale
(such as what CQ is doing to generate another revenue stream)
2) A searchable archive of these publications similar to
IEEE Xplore (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/guesthome.jsp)
where – in our case – a member can download past articles in PDF
format. This may be a bit problematic for the ancient issues of QST, but
I believe articles in recent issues may already be in PDF format. Or,
they can be sold for a modest fee (a buck or two, much like songs on I-Tunes…though
not quite at the volume I-Tunes enjoys).
3) A new and improved way to provide these publications on
CD or DVD (which I understand the League is investigating now since the
previous method had compatibility problems)
4) A way to provide these current publications on the web
for members who wish to receive them in that fashion. This may present
some savings to the League in the way of reducing printing costs. A great
example is the alumni magazine from my alma mater Georgia Tech. Check out
the really cool way they provide it (free example) in addition to a printed
format at http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/gatech/alumni-winter07/
Of course the biggest challenge is security so user-names
and passwords aren’t shared by many, though there’s always a
dishonest person out there. But I’m sure other organizations like
IEEE have found a solution to that since they provide their publications electronically.
Food for thought!
Brian N5ZGT
ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division
From: K8JE
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008
1:01 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:16562]
Buckmaster ann0uncement
and Gents,
or you may already be aware of the following announcement by Buckmaster
Publishing (I use their Ham Call service so get occasional news releases from
them). I don’t recall having seen any previous note about them
putting CQ Magazine online, but they’ve obviously been working on the
project for a while. It will be interesting to see how near “currency”
they will come with this effort.
“We've been working a
long time on scanning CQ magazine and making it available on the
Internet. As of now we are complete from the first issue in January 1945
up through 2003, 58 years worth! See it all at http://hamcall.net/cq.”
For any who do not receive these announcements, this
was one of three services (and a commercial) they announced. The other
two regarded posting of the number of sunspots and of calls of new hams on their
web site.
Jim Weaver, K8JE,
E-mail: k8je@arrl.org;
Tel.: 513-459-0142
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