I thought you'd enjoy hearing this. It originated with a PSA Allen Pitts created last week in the aftermath of the tsunami. Note that this is NOT cleared for redistribution for commercial broadcast.
Allen is very good at starting pebbles downhill that turn into avalanches.
Dave K1ZZ

From: Price, Howard B [mailto:Howard.B.Price@abc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:29 AM
To: Pitts, Allen W1AGP
Subject: FW: Amateur Radio PSA

Hi Allen:
It's pays to know good people in high places.
The production director at WABC Radio here in NYC has dressed up and tightened your original :60 PSA, turned it into a :30, and fed it out to Rush Limbaugh's syndicator for use a "network fill" (material used to help bridge gaps between program elements in the Rush show, which is heard on hundreds of stations across the country).
Most of the larger stations cover the fill...but many smaller stations don't...and they will hear this wonderfully enhanced PSA.
It just so happens that my friend the production director is also a ham, and a member of BEARS.
The mp3 is attached...DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE IT FOR COMMERCIAL BROADCAST...but you can put it on the reflector (with the same prohibition) for other ARRL members to enjoy.
The voice is that of WABC's legendary Johnny Donovan.