During the time of your membership, you can download QST and keep it as long as you wish.  Same with CQ, in addition to copies remaining available on your Zinio account.  Either way, insofar as I can tell, electronic issues can be stored on your hard drive “forever,” just as you would keep a paper copy on your shelf.  Does anyone have a different experience with this?


73,  Dave K3ZJ


From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> on behalf of "rjairam@gmail.com" <rjairam@gmail.com>
Date: Friday, October 9, 2020 at 11:30 AM
To: Mark J Tharp <kb7hdx@gmail.com>
Cc: ODV <arrl-odv@arrl.org>, Fred Hopengarten <hopengarten@post.harvard.edu>
Subject: [arrl-odv:31127] Re: Back issues for former members


If you purchase a subscription through Zinio, the full magazines during your subscription term remain in your account. 






On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 11:26 AM Mark J Tharp <kb7hdx@gmail.com> wrote:

CQ looks to charge for this service. You can only see the first 8 pages of any month without a subscription.

So it's not a free service from CQ.




Mark, HDX


On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 8:23 AM <hopengarten@post.harvard.edu> wrote:

My view would be that the appropriate “donation” is called membership. The appropriate amount is $49.95. The foundation does not print QST. ARRL does. So the appropriate destination is Member Services, Main Street, Newington.


-Fred K1VR



From: arrl-odv [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Arthur I. Zygielbaum
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2020 11:11 AM
To: Mark J Tharp; rjairam@gmail.com
Subject: [arrl-odv:31121] Re: Back issues for former members


Maybe in exchange for an appropriate donation to the foundation?

73, Art K0AIZ

On 10/9/2020 10:04 AM, Mark J Tharp wrote:

How would that look? If they were a member for a year, they are then entitled to only that year? Or if they have access to the archive page they would have ALL back issues. Which is one of our published member benefits.



Mark, HDX






On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 7:54 AM rjairam@gmail.com <rjairam@gmail.com> wrote:

A former member angrily complained that he should have access to past
issues, digitally during the time of his membership as he paid for
those issues. He opted out of print and let his membership lapse.

Pros and cons, and can it be done?

CQ magazine does this. If you subscribe and are no longer a subscriber
the issues are still yours to keep.

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