
Vol. 26, No. 33

August 20, 2003


The Special Spectrum Defense campaign against BPL has reached $244,599 with contributions from 4,628 donors, many of who share strong comments on this issue.  The average contribution remains high at $52.84.  While contributions are dwindling after two months, new information communicated on the web and via the ARRL Letter may cause a spike.  During the campaign, 165 QST advertisers were solicited and 2 responded -- one with a $5000 contribution.  In addition, 10,000 amateurs who have never been ARRL members were solicited with only 5 responses representing $130 in contributions.  A large number of contributions have some in from donors to either last fall's Spectrum Defense request or the spring WRC-03 request, or both.  An increased number of club contributions have come in, ranging from $50 to $2000.  Web gifts have been strong, especially on weekends, after web stories, the video and the ARRL Letter reports reach members.

The Education & Technology Fund now totals $81,361 in contributions from 1464 donors, thanks to two $1000+ contributions in the past week. 

The ARRL Diamond Club now numbers 779 participants reflecting $107,000 in contributions.  We have received Diamond Club renewal gifts from two Gold level members ($1000) and one Director ($5000).  A target mailing to 15,000 ARRL members who have been members for 7 to 9 years will go out the week after Labor Day.

A Major Donor Reception will be held at the Kellogg Conference Center at Gallaudet University in Washington DC on Monday, Sept 15 from 7 - 9 pm with Guest of Honor Rep. Greg Walden, WB7OCE.  Other guests will be major donors, including Diamond Club donors, Legacy Circle Members, Directors and other dignitaries from official Washington.

We are awaiting word on the approval of the Year Two grant proposal to CNCS. 

With help from Project Director Mark Spencer, a grant request for $9400 for the Education & Technology Program has been submitted to The Ruddie Memorial Youth Foundation to assist with the evaluation of results of the Amateur Radio education program in schools.

Media Relations

Jennifer worked with a reporter from Hartford’s Associated Press bureau on a story about ham radio’s role during the recent Northeast blackout.  We were able to supply some initial details on the communications effort and put the reporter in touch with contacts in some of the affected areas.  The story turned out well, and as of this writing, is still being picked up by media outlets nationwide.  Some of the bigger hits include the national ABC television Web site, the MSNBC site, The New York Times, the Boston Globe, The Tampa (FL) Tribune, Newsday (Melville, NY) the San Jose Mercury News and the Detroit Free Press. ARRL’s Web site was featured at the bottom of the article for further information about ham radio.

Jennifer wrote a press release on ham radio’s response to the blackout and distributed it to some of the key media outlets that had not yet published the AP story.  A freelance writer in Canada was interested in the press release as well.

PR Committee member and Southern Florida SM Sherri Brower, W4STB, submitted a well-written presentation titled “PR tools for Section Managers” for use during the upcoming SM workshop at HQ.  Jennifer is reviewing the material and the final version will be forwarded to Steve Ewald for the meeting.

The “Media Hits” section of Happenings was submitted for the October issue of QST, and a notice about the upcoming deadline for McGan Award nominations was prepared for the Web.


The September/October issue of QEX has been released to the printer.

Dave Hassler edited several articles for the ARRL Web, including a story about how a Virginia amateur worked with a local utility to fix an interference problem, and another about the restoration of the radio room of the UUS Missouri in Pearl Harbor.

Dan Wolfgang assisted Ed Hare with an updated version of the BPL video.  Also, Steve Ford received a letter from the Connecticut Rivers Council of the Boy Scouts of America commending Dan for his contributions to Scouting during the summer.

Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol 22, No 32 (Aug 15) distributed to a record 67,368 member subscribers--up by 75 from the previous high, set on Aug 1 and up 126 over the prior week.  Subscribership has risen by 2156 since the beginning of the year.  Rick wrote/edited stories on Amateur Radio's response to the power blackout (with assistance from Steve Ewald), ARISS QSOs in the UK, a plea from President Haynie for letters urging co-sponsorship of the Spectrum Protection Act bills, more countries dropping the Morse requirement, a new LF beacon in Alaska and the death of ARISS/SAREX Working Group chair Roy Neal, K6DUE (thanks to Dave Hassler for pulling that one together).  Rick voiced/produced/edited ARRL Audio News with voiceover assistance from Brennan Price, N4QX.

Brennan submitted the October Product Review column for typesetting and layout and did some preparation for the Repeater Directory solicitation.

Speaking of Brennan… he has left full-time employment at HQ, but will continue as editor, on a part-time basis, of The ARRL Repeater Directory.  The new Product Review editor, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, is now in Brennan’s old office in the Editorium.

Sales & Marketing

The new Blaster worm virus caused Product Fulfillment to come to a complete standstill Monday, August 11.  Fortunately, ISD had us up and running by first thing Tuesday morning.  Since we only lost one day, we were able to ship priority order packages using an overnight service.  Our customers never realized their orders were even slightly delayed.

Deb Jahnke put together a solicitation for advertising in the new edition of the ARRL Antenna Book.  Although the inside covers have been sold (4 color), we are still working on black and white inside insertions.  The solicitation has been e-mailed, faxed, and sent out via First Class mail.

The Advertising Team is working on insertions for October QST and Sep/Oct QEX and NCJ.  We are hoping that this issue will be that last affected by client vacation and convention schedules that have made our sales job quite challenging.

Ingram  (a major distributor serving the bookstore and library markets) is paying more attention to our products.  They had Deb preparing a number of 50 words-words-or-less descriptions to promote our books.  The job was completed last week. Product images were also provided. This relationship started 2 years ago with Handbook orders and has grown to include the Antenna Book, Now You’re Talking! and other ARRL titles.

Bob Inderbitzen, Di Szlachetka, and Deb Jahnke have been working with R. R. Donnelley and MFJ Manufacturing to produce a 64-page catalog that will accompany November QST. This standalone catalog will be included in a plastic bag with member copies of QST. This project is being mailed under a new “ride-along” service offered by the US Postal Service.

Bob Inderbitzen is putting some final touches on the letter for our large Fall Membership mailing campaign.  Initial selection criteria have been sent to the Information Services Department.

Membership Services

Awards Branch

WAS QSL Cards Checked   250    
L/T Member Inquiries    8      
A-1 Operator Nominations        2      
VUCC Backfill Apps.     4      
Grids           585    
VUCC End. Apps. 2      
Grids   44     
Awards Mailed   16     

Also compiled the latest VUCC award recipient list for October QST, and worked on budget matters.  Processing Status: Current or up to four weeks.  For the coming week—WAS and WAC QSL card checking, RCC, OTC, Friendship, and VUCC awards processing/mailing, and the 25- and 40-year member awards (now that the certificates are in), and work on budget matters.

DXCC Branch

For the week of:

August 17, 2003        
Beginning Cards 103,672
Cards Received  12,862 
Cards Processed 17,943 
Ending Cards    98,591 

Applications Pending    715    
Processing Time 4.7 Weeks      

Year-to-date (2003)

Cards Received  378,155
Cards Returned  486,147

DXCC is currently mailing applications received on July 14, 2003.  DXCC is currently entering cards received on July 15, 2003.

Contest Branch

Data entry for Field Day logs continued. Mailing of certificates for the 10-Meter contest continued.  The Contest Branch budget narrative and staffing request was updated, as well as work on other budget issues.  A mailing was prepared for active contest clubs to send them a brief update on several changes, as well as a copy of the new YASME book, provided by an anonymous donor.

QSL Bureau

QSL Service Status: Current.  Cards mailed year to date as of 08/17/03 - 915,725.  No cards were mailed this week.  Heather Dzamba spent 8 hours conducting tours around HQ.


W1AW has joined the IOTA Program!  A certificate will be forthcoming in a few weeks.  The RSGB IOTA committee has graciously offered to allow W1AW free submissions (and updates) to the IOTA program.

Joe updated the web code practice files.  He also processed regular W1AW QSL card requests and installed repaired equipment returned from Harris Corporation.

Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of the month of August.  He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.

W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2003):  $18,711.

Logbook of the World Update

At the Board meeting last month, we announced that Logbook would be ready to begin operation September 15. We are still on track for date.

The latest version of the TQSL software (version 1.04) is available on the ARRL Web site at . This version can be used now, during the Beta test period, and will be used in the production version as well. All known bugs are fixed, and the new version includes tools to delete, export, and save digital certificates.

Work continues on the server software to make it easy for members to select and submit credits for awards, and on the administration tools needed to manage the program and provide customer service at HQ. Jon Bloom is working with ISD on database backup procedures, and also discussing increased server storage capacity. Based on the amount of log data received during the Beta test period, we may upgrade the server storage from 50 GB to 200 GB prior to September 15.

Initially we were concerned about the system's ability to handle large amounts of QSO data and considered limiting the years for which users can submit QSO data. The Beta system was configured to accept QSOs from 1998 and later. The system has proven capable of handling large logs and at this point we are planning to accept QSO records going back to the beginning of post-war DXCC in 1945.

Wayne Mills has written an article for October QST (on the streets in mid-September) announcing the opening of Logbook of the World for general use.

Field & Educational Services

Rosalie White participated in a VRC teleconference and completed follow-up action items.  She finalized her talk for the APCO conference.  She and Jean Wolfgang provided information to NASA Hq about Amateur Radio activity that had been done aboard the Columbia shuttle orbiter.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

After the massive power blackouts in the northeast and Midwest began on Thursday afternoon (Aug 14), Amateur Radio responded.  As this report is written on Friday, Steve Ewald has been seeking and gathering reports of ARES/RACES activations in the affected states.  He is funneling news from the Section Leaders and others to News Editor Rick Lindquist.

The newly revised format of the monthly Field Organization Appointment Report has debuted.  Each SM has received a copy of his or her particular section's report, and a few favorable comments about this new format have already been received. 

Leona Adams received and handled two Section Manager nominations petitions:  Steve Hamilton, KB0JYL (Kansas) and Ti-Michelle Connelly, NJ6T (incumbent in East Bay).

Chuck Skolaut provided back-up duty to the Regulatory Information Service branch when John Hennessee was on vacation this past week.  He also received several reports of digital-type signals two of the new Amateur Radio 60-Meter frequency channels.

Field & Educational Support Team

Jean Wolfgang set dates for the two Kid's Day events in 2004, and they are reflected the Kid's Day Web page listing.  All award plaques and letters are in the mail.  Jean also sent several updates to the Harmonics web page this week and created a "publicity handout card" about the page.  Margie Bourgoin will distribute the attractive cards during a presentation at the upcoming New Mexico State Convention.

Linda Mullally updated 38 clubs with 5 reactivations.  She registered 3 Instructors and sent out 3 Exhibit kits and 2 JOTA Kits.  She also compiled Field Org Statistics for QST magazine (PSHR-BPL-STM and SEC reports).

Margie Bourgoin processed two SSC renewals and made one new entry to the Youth Sked Database.  She sent 4 new clubs on for Director approval, and worked on her upcoming convention presentation.  Margie also sent 10 clubs to the EC for email vote.

Gail Iannone wrote 48 hamfest and 8 convention announcements for the October issue of QST and sent 1 convention approval letter to the sponsoring committee confirming the Division Director’s approval of the event to be “ARRL-sanctioned”.  She also sent 4 handout packages for upcoming conventions.

Mary Lau reviewed affiliation paperwork for three new Category 1(Local) clubs in Colorado (a NOAA HQ club); a Texas contest club; and, an Illinois community club. Mary also updated ARRL Foundation scholarship information at the scholarship registries of Gales Publications of Farmington Heights, MI, and the University of Texas at Austin.

EmComm Grants

Dan Miller reports that the Revised Level II course has been sent to CTDLC and should be ready to begin beta-testing in 2 weeks.  More than 30 volunteers will have 30 days to review the course and provide input for the final version.  Eleven (11) people had enrolled in the ARECC Seminar that was held on Friday, Aug. 15, in conjunction with the Huntsville, Alabama Convention.  Gordon West, WB6NOA, has been given our approval for a CQ Magazine article about our ARECC Program.  Dan will be providing information including quotes from students, who CTDLC is, and a description of Hybrid classes while assisting West with the article.  Rich Moseson (CQ Editor) is also looking forward to this.  It is scheduled for publication in either December or January.


Howard Robins received all learning units and associated figures for the new Antenna Design and Construction course from Ward Silver, N0AX, made necessary changes to meet CTDLC's requirements, and transmitted the package to them.  The Simple and Fun Antennas for Hams book is a companion to this course, so Howard met and discussed its cost/pricing, availability, and distribution options with Kathy Capodicasa.

Jerry Ellis mailed out 89 mentor stipend checks for the month of July, and numerous ARECC sew-on patches and window decals to various groups that were not included in the initial CNCS survey mailing of last week.  He also continues to prepare ARECC graduate certificates and ID cards, and mails them with reimbursement checks.

Amateur Radio Education and Technology Project

Mark Spencer reports that school activity is increasing as opening day approaches.  Teachers, as well as our own staff, are making presentations to school leadership boards and statewide teacher conventions.  Presentation assistance and other materials were provided to teachers in MO and TN and our internal staff.  Text materials were provided to Project schools in FL and WA under a Progress grant applications.  Assistance with teaching supplies was coordinate with the W.WA SM who provided the assistance to one of our WA Project schools.  Mark coordinated the hand-over of Project equipment from one school to another in MA.  The Project leader transferred from one school to another and since there was no leadership support for the Project at the previous school, the equipment and program transferred.  Curriculum development materials were provided to a potential new Project school in CA.  A Project school in TN reported receiving support from the local utility company which donated a power pole for use as the focal point of the school's antenna farm.  Connections were made with a CT technology high school who expressed interest in W1AW tours as well as the Project. Finally, provided support for Mary Hobart on a pending grant application on a program assessment strategy.



        Mark Wilson, K1RO

        Chief Operating Officer


Staff Absentee List

All Staff                       9/1             Holiday

Dave Sumner             8/26-8/29       Vacation

                        9/4pm-9/9       Amsterdam, Administrative Council meeting

                        9/12            St Louis, strategic planning meeting

                        9/15            Washington DC donor reception

                        9/19-9/21       W9DXCC Convention

Mark Wilson             8/22, 8/29, 9/2 Vacation

                9/12            St Louis, strategic planning meeting

Jennifer Hagy           8/25-8/29       Vacation

Lisa Kustosik           8/21pm          Vacation

Dan Miller              8/21-8/24       Columbus, MO Convention

                        8/25-8/26       Vacation

Dennis Motschenbacher   8/20-8/24       ICOM/SGC/SteppIR sales calls

                        9/6-9/9         WPA Section Convention

                        9/19-9/21       W9DXCC Convention – personal

                        9/23-9/28       MFJ/ArraySol/TXTwr sales calls

                        10/02-10/05     Ten Tec Hamfest

                        10/10-10/12     NNY Section Convention

AnnMarie Pinto          8/11-8/22       Vacation

Perry Williams          7/26-9/2                Vacation

Wayne Mills             8/19-8/25       Hamfair, Tokyo

                        8/26-9/4                Vacation

                        9/19-9/21       W9DXCC Convention

Sharon Taratula         8/15-8/22       Vacation

Kathy Kostek            8/25-8/26       Vacation

Heather Dzamba          8/25-8/27       Vacation

Dan Henderson           8/22            Vacation

Margie Bourgoin         8/21-8/22       New Mexico State Convention

                        9/5             Vacation

Joe Carcia              8/22pm & 8/29pmVacation