Back in the 1990s we had a Maryland/DC Section Manager named Ken Cohen NI3F. He was great fun to work the ARRL booth with because he was very well educated and clever, and we never ran out of things to talk about. Unfortunately he had to resign because as a rabbi, he just didn’t have the free time, especially on weekends, to get to all the hamfests and do the SM job up to his personal standards. I still hear from him occasionally, like the three messages that came today:
* ARRL lab has announced the creation of virtual sunspots: can be uploaded by computer to ionosphere. (But only works on April Fools Day.)
* Nobel Prize to be awarded to ham who invented Pixie dust which sprinkled on paperclip antenna increases by gain by 10db (& 12db on April 1).
* Malware alert: causes out of band ham operators to glow in the dark while using CW (but only on April 1).
73 – Kay N3KN