Dick, I am seeing this October exchange for the first time -- not surprising as I was in New Zealand at the time. Bob Inderbitzen had the impression that you were satisfied with the response at the time, although from reviewing your request and the response I can see that not all of your questions were answered. We’re sorry for any misunderstanding. It’s difficult in the time available right now to format the information in the most presentable way, but here’s a stab at it. 1. You asked for new Life Members, and Life Members dying or otherwise leaving, in 2008. At the two EC meetings in 2008 we recognized 269 newly elected Life Members. Attrition during the period was 287. 2. You asked for numbers, if available, of members renewing through Dayton, conventions, SMs and Directors. We only gave you numbers for new acquisitions, not renewals. The acquisition data was broken out by month which I think is more than you wanted to know. Here is that data for the year, along with the renewal data that you requested: SOURCE TOTAL FOR 2008 (RENEWALS) TOTAL FOR 2008 (ACQUISITION) Field Application/KB 404 272 Field Application/SEC 216 126 ODV Application 16 10 Membership Form/MB 101 138 Sub total - ARRL officials 737 546 Clubs 808 430 Dayton 2008 812 186 TOTAL 2,357 1,162 3. We track renewal response not by what reminder is responded to but by the month in which the response is received. This data was provided to you in Bob’s message of September 15 that is referenced in Diane’s analysis. There is a detailed spreadsheet that is updated monthly and is used to track renewal response and sources of new members. We can share that with you, but my impression from our conversation this afternoon is that you would like a more condensed presentation. I’m sure we can find a happy medium. 73, Dave K1ZZ From: Richard J. Norton [mailto:n6aa@arrl.org] Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 9:39 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:18476] Fwd: Another ARRL Membership Statistics Request In the director's telephone discussion of the 2010 plan held last evening, I made mention of an earlier request for member renewal and loss statistics. The original request is at the bottom. The reply is at the top. I made the request because I had and have questions about how well the membership recruitment activity is undertaken. As I mentioned during the phone conversation, I don't believe the response answered my questions. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Inderbitzen, Bob, NQ1R <rinderbitzen@arrl.org> Date: Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 3:27 PM Subject: RE: Another ARRL Membership Statistics Request To: "Norton, Richard (Dir, SW)" <n6aa@arrl.org> Cc: "Kramer, Harold, WJ1B" <wj1b@arrl.org>, "Fenstermaker, James (Dir, NW)" <k9jf@arrl.org>, "Shelley, Barry, N1VXY" <bshelley@arrl.org>, "Petrilli, Diane, KB1RNF" <dpetrilli@arrl.org> Dick: Included below is a compilation of data you’d requested via Barry Shelley. Like the information previously provided, Membership Manager Diane Petrilli assembled this work--which I have reviewed. The attached WORD document includes the same info. Please let me know if I can help answer any questions. 73, Bob, NQ1R ARRL Membership: ARRL membership, December 31, 2007 - 153,535 ARRL membership, December 31, 2008 - 154,627 ARRL membership, December 31, 2009 (projected) - 155,353 ===== Life Members: Life members, December 31, 2007 – 20,139 Life members, December 31, 2008 - 20,185 Life members, December 31, 2009 (projected) – 20,255 The number of life members shows incremental gains year after year--relatively steady. We generally acquire just a few more life memberships than those who attrition out. ===== Multiyear Memberships: Breakdown of members with multi-year memberships that continued through 2008, without need to renew in 2008: There were 37,182 members who paid prior to 2008 for a membership that expired after 2008. 10,732 had 1-year memberships. 10,340 had 2-year memberships. 16,110 had 3 or more year memberships (does not include life memberships). In 2008, approximately 83,000 members transacted a renewal. 71.23% of members renewed their membership on or before the month their membership was set to expire. ===== Renewal Notices (by mail and email): The process of tracking responses to renewal notices is rather complex. The cumulative results are tracked per monthly expiree group, per month. Please refer to the “Renewals and Retention” worksheet previously provided. ===== 2008 Membership Summary: January 1, 2008 153,535 Total losses (23,738) Total gains 24,825 December 31, 2008 154,622 2008 ACQUISITION Previous Members First Time Members TOTAL Jan 1208 1010 2218 Feb 1127 1062 2189 March 1342 1149 2491 April 955 943 1898 May 1150 1205 2355 June 991 939 1930 July 952 988 1940 Aug 974 962 1936 Sept 1000 1054 2054 Oct 1118 977 2095 Nov 1081 791 1872 Dec 911 930 1841 12,809 12,010 24,819 Acquisition in 2008 included 1,162 members that joined via “field-based” applications: clubs, Dayton, and applications administered by ARRL volunteers and officials. This is approximately 5% of all acquisition activity in 2008. Source code Jan Feb March April May June July August September October November December Total Field Application / KB 7 44 35 6 20 19 13 61 15 29 14 9 272 Field Application / SEC 6 4 27 22 3 10 7 12 12 12 9 2 126 ODV Application 6 1 3 10 Members / MB 5 5 25 8 17 13 10 16 12 15 8 4 138 sub total ARRL officials 18 53 87 36 40 42 30 95 40 59 31 15 546 47% Clubs 43 53 54 35 49 38 37 31 34 18 16 22 430 37% Dayton 2008 186 186 16% Total 61 106 141 71 275 80 67 126 74 77 47 37 1162 100% --end— -----Original Message----- From: Richard J. Norton [mailto:n6aa@arrl.org] Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 5:55 PM To: Shelley, Barry, N1VXY Cc: Fenstermaker, James (Dir, NW) Subject: Another ARRL Membership Statistics Request Barry, Although the numbers will likely be put together by someone else, I'll again request them through you. Would you please provide ARRL membership information, filling in the following. I've used the full year of 2008, because it is complete. ARRL membership, December 31, 2007 - 153,535 Life members, December 31, 2007 - ? Activity in 2008 impacting membership totals Life members dying or otherwise leaving - ? New life members - ? Number of members with multi-year memberships that continued through 2008, without need to renew - ? Number of recent expiration (late 2007) that renewed in 2008 - ? Number renewing without reminder - ? Number renewing from E-mail reminder - ? Number renewing from 1st mailed reminder - ? Number renewing from 2nd mailed reminder - ? Number renewing from 3rd mailed reminder - ? If available, number renewing through Dayton, conventions, SMs, and directors - ? Number of "previous members" rejoining - ? Number of new members - ? Other, with description - ? ARRL Membership - December 31, 2008 - 154,334 (This should check the sum of above components) Number of lost members in 2008 - ? I think this will give us a better picture of our membership recruitment activity, and hope staff will also find it useful. I've lumped full members, foreign members, and subscribers together to simplify the presentation. Thanks. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA