Thursday Sept 8, 2005
Late Night Edition
From: Harold Kramer
There are lots of activities relating
to Hurricane Katrina disaster relief here at HQ. I am not sure if I
can capture all of them. Sorry if I missed anything important, just let me know
what it is and I will add it tomorrow.
A Special Thank You to all ARRL HQ
Employees for their help. I particularly want to mention the folks who,
because of their job responsibilities, have been unable to help directly with
Katrina Relief. You are the folks who are keeping us up and running by
making sure that our books and magazines are still being published and mailed,
our members requests are being serviced, QSL cards, awards and exams are
processed and sent out, our phones are answered, our IT infrastructure is
up and running, the bills are being paid, etc. Thanks to all of you for
keeping your eye on the ball.
Web, Communications and PR:
Jon Bloom and staff have added a new web tool -
The Katrina Volunteer Information Database. This online resource will
have us match relief requests to operator resources.
Tracking all of these requests has been a major problem for us and
this tool should help solve them.
Allen Pitts in now in Alabama. He has done
more interviews with National Media and did a live interview on WTIC -AM here
in Connecticut.
A reporter from the Christian Science Monitor
visited HQ today to obtain information for a story due next week.
Special thanks to Sharon Taratula for
coordinating media requests while Allen is away.
Computerworld Magazine is doing an expanded
series on our Katrina efforts.
HK will appear on Connecticut Public Television
tomorrow. I will not be asking for pledges, however, there
will be a live interview with Allen Pitts from Alabama.
Based on strong positive feedback, a second
special edition of the EmComm newsletter will be published Saturday.
Thanks to our Editor, Rick Palm and "Publisher" Rosalie White for making this
Field Operations:
Dennis Mostchenbacher is also in Alabama with The
Red Cross. His center has deployed about 80 ops. Dennis reports
that many of the Red Cross Shelters are getting their telephone service back
but amateur communications is still needed.
Rosalie White reported that a number of operators
were used by the Florida Air National Guard to coordinate communications
Dave Patton has been working with SATERN
(Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) who is requesting more ops for
deployment in the Gulf Coast Region.
Dave has also been handling requests from FEMA
for ops in Louisiana for deployment to hospitals. Thanks again Dave for
all your help.
Steve Ewald has been coordinating the daily Gulf
Coast SM region conference call. Steve reports that they now need relief
operators in Louisiana.
Dave P also reports that in some areas enough
services have been restored so that some ops are being sent back home
again. Overall the call and emails are slowing down as things
become a bit more normal and organized.
There are many, many stories about deployment,
assistance and rescues provided by amateur radio that are too numerous to
mention here I hope that we can retain and capture them all when this is
Donations/Equipment Relief:
Mary Hobart convinced Long's Electronics to
donate 2,000 AA batteries for use with the HT's that are being sent
Janet Rocco reported that Comet Antennas, DX
Engineering, Samlex , LDG, MFJ, M2, and Kenwood have either sent donated
equipment or will be shortly.
We have shipped out most the HF Radios and
associated accessories. Some of the HT's have also been shipped.
Thanks to Wayne Mills for coordinating this effort.
Joe Carcia reports that there was a major
solar flare yesterday that shut down HF communications for a period of
time. Propagation has been returning during the past hours.
The net activity has now decreased. Some
nets have secured and others are closing down early. W1AW has now
returned to a normal operating schedule.
Jon Bloom and others have suggested that we need
a strong post analysis of this event. I agree since this event, because
of its magnitude, has fundamentally altered our emergency response
methods and procedures.
Rosalie White's report on the NVOAD daily conference
reported that our communications volunteers are sending reports of good work
being done at Red Cross shelters and EOCs, and that if any other organization
need help, to let us know. She reported that our volunteers
in Montgomery AL warn volunteers going there who are using generators to bring
gas cans because stores have no gas cans.
saw workers are in Wiggins, MS. Volunteers who want to help
are welcome.
FEMA: there is water, MREs, cots, baby formula for shelters.
If needed, contact FEMA Action Officer (pronounced Mr. “Hoosway Diaz”)
landline 703-669-7363 cell 225-229-1418
and Houston, the United Methodists are marshalling volunteers for centers for
help with feeding/sheltering. May need comms help, and if
so, he may send email to Rosalie.
of Hope- has distributed 28 million pounds ice/food in MS,LA - They have
requested amateur operator support.
donations and for contractors who are volunteering, but not for people who are
opening their homes – go to
FEMA’s National Resource Center