So much of it depends on the local relationships, not just national MOUs. Bob Famiglio is right. The MOU isn’t controlling, but it is a help.
Just this week, I was in a meeting with local Red Cross officials who reiterated that the relationship between the new Central and Southern Ohio Region, of which the Cincinnati Chapter is a part, will continue unchanged with the Queen City Emergency Net, the local club to which I belong. In recognizing our long affiliation (since 1943) and the value ham radio brings to the table, we will have continued access to the building for radio operations and meetings, with the understanding that “When all else fails,” ham radio will be there. And they take that saying seriously!
The effort we have put into the relationship shows up when things like this new national reorganization starts to hit. Our newsletter goes out to several of the key local staff, and our members show up for volunteer events put on by the chapter, not to mention how they are aware of our work in many disasters over those seventy-some years. As technology (and people) change, we have found ways to stay relevant.
This is not to say your local group hasn’t done the same thing. Sometimes, no matter how hard people try, relationships do not go well. I hope they can resolve the situation.
Tom Delaney W8WTD