It was not in the original specs, but we are
aware of this and it is on the future upgrade list. I am also going to cc Norm
Fusaro on this message.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
860 594 0220
From: G.P. Widin
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 7:53 AM
To: arrl-odv
Cc: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:18888] Re: Web Site-- Special Service Clubs???
I believe the issue you noted was an issue on the old site as well. In
looking at the club listings, I noticed that no matter what search
"method" I used, there was no special prominence given to Special
Service Clubs.
If we believe that there is value to the SSC category, then we should
"reward" those clubs by promoting them--that is, listing them
preferentially in any search or display. Also, if someone is seeking a club,
the SSC stands the best chance of meeting their needs, so it makes sense to list
them first--kind of like Google sponsored search items.
Also, there should be some sort of link that leads to a definition of a SSC so
the searcher can decide if this is important.
I well realize that this is a new capability, so I wouldn't expect it to be
possible in the near future, but I think it only makes sense, and if there are
fixes that need to be made to the club display anyway for the new web site, it
might be a good time to put this feature in.
I just took a look at the club listings, and as far as I can see, no mention is
made of Special Service Clubs at all. Has it been decided that we won't
show that as part of the club listing, or is this just part of the growing
pains of porting old site info to the new site?
Greg, KØGW
Director, Dakota Division