If Director Carlson's first paragraph (no issue ...more important...than to select a new CEO), is true, then much of the rest of his message is questionable.
Reasonable Time Frame
The Committee was charged with a task that had a due date of no later than the end of June 2020. The Committee has failed to deliver as instructed.
Although the Board motion specifically said, “Whereas any extended time without a permanent CEO in place could be harmful to the League …,” Committee Chairman Carlson appears to feel it is more important to continue to dutifully follow a list of steps initially believed appropriate that would normally lead to the desired goal, rather than modify the steps to actually accomplish the end objective.
The point of my entire message was that we need to change the original step program to a program that will meet our objectives in a reasonable time, which after six months, is as soon as possible. If we need to wait until it is totally safe to travel again, it might be another year or two.
Day Jobs
Any excuses for non-performance because of “day jobs” is unacceptable. If any Committee members are unable to give adequate attention to this, they should ask the president to replace them.
Committee Member Candidate Evaluations
Most important is the request for Committee member's personal candidate evaluations. Each member has apparently interviewed all of the top candidates by Internet. The committee members have obviously discussed the attributes and shortcomings of all the candidates to reach any conclusions about their suitability.
I'm simply asking that they also share these same observations with the rest of the Board. We don't all notice things that others might notice. The Committee member's observations are important to me.
All of us may not require personal interviews with all the candidates.
With the cooperation of the Committee, I hope that we can bring this search to a conclusion reasonably soon.
Dick Norton, N6AA
61. Mr. Carlson moved, and Mr. Stratton seconded, that:
Whereas it has become necessary for the Board to select a new CEO, and
Whereas any extended time without a permanent CEO in place could be harmful to the League
It is thereby MOVED:
That the President create a CEO Selection Committee to be made up as follows:
- Directors Abernethy, Carlson, Williams, Hippisley, and Hopengarten and, without vote;
President Roderick and 1st Vice President Raisbeck;
- Treasurer Niswander, as an advisor without vote;
- CFO Diane Middleton, as an advisor without vote;
- And a representative to be named from the A&F Committee, with vote;
- The President is entitled to vote in the event of any tie.
This Selection Committee is tasked with
- Collecting and screening a list of suitable CEO candidates;
- Reducing the list of candidates down to 3;
- Presenting these 3 candidates to the Board for consideration;
- Organizing a Board meeting to select a candidate;
- Managing the negotiation process with the selected candidate;
- Providing bi-weekly updates to the Board of its progress, including, but not limited to,
the job qualifications and selection criteria chosen and used by the Committee.
The presentation to the board is to be done as expeditiously as possible, but no later than the end of
June 2020.
The motion was APPROVED following discussion