I hope all have had a good holiday season thus far. I share the attached email below this morning from our Section Manager in the Virgin Islands, Fred, K9VV / NP2X. . Some years ago he was referred to me by various folks, from HQ and other hams for advice and counsel related to a bill protecting radio amateur volunteers during disaster support activities in our VI section. I spent time on the phone, email exchanges and recall I commented on proposed bills hams had drafted-they needed work. It has been some years ago now. They were not getting the legislative support nor advice they deserved. By my recollection this may have taken at least a 5-year path from beginning to end which is not unusual in government. Fred expects it will be signed into law soon. You can find information on this bill by a simple search on the internet. You will also see Fred’s history of pursuing this cause on various You Tube presentations and other articles. That is what it takes. Maybe all qualified volunteer operators should have such state law protection which appears to be well over and above the Federal Volunteer protection act of 1997. That federal act only provides affirmative defenses to lawsuits for negligence against hams in emergencies under certain facts if proved in court. Have a pleasant and relaxed New Years weekend. I may be on 40 CW after 2100 eastern (my first true love and only band as a 13 year old novice) for straight key night. Bob Famiglio, K3RF ARRL Atlantic Division Director 610-359-7300 www.QRZ.com/db/K3RF From: Fred Kleber <kleberf@bellsouth.net> Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 10:27 AM To: k3rf@arrl.net Subject: USVI AUXCOMM Bill - Nearly Law... You don't often get email from kleberf@bellsouth.net<mailto:kleberf@bellsouth.net>. Learn why this is important<https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification> HI Bob, Just a follow up note on the status of our USVI AUXCOMM bill. You may recall we had a discussion on this topic a couple of years ago. The bill was passed unanimously by two levels of senatorial review committees and is now sitting on the Governor's desk awaiting his signature into law, or veto. I am very optimistic it will be signed into law. Thankfully one of our new hams had previously worked for AARP in the VI and had a decade-and-a-half authoring and shepherding some 140+ bills through the process. Many of our local hams had relevant connections to our senators and utilized those connections to support our bill. Thanks again for your guidance and supporting in the early stages of getting USVI Auxcomm where it is. The next hurricane we will not be as hesitant to be providing air-traffic control services for med-evacs (true story), hi hi. I hope you and yours are enjoying a relaxing holiday and that 2024 is prosperous for you. Very 73, Fred, K9VV / NP2X Section Manager, USVI