ARRL ARC SITREP 10/05/2017 * W1WCN and KC4FOX reallocated amateur radio resources around the island to better meet communications needs. * NV9L and a FEMA team member were tasked with calling 68 hospitals and medical facilities. We asked 12 questions to better understand their communication capabilities and to see if their urgent care supplies and needs were being met. * KP4RF, KC5QCN and NV9L attended the daily ESF2 meeting * The FCC issued a waiver allowing the use of PACTOR modems on amateur frequencies to facilitate hurricane recover efforts. * We learned that Ward Silver N0AX and the Yasme Foundation has shipped an amateur radio repeater that will be installed at the Arecibo Observatory to provide SAR communications. * Gary Sessums-KC5QCN, our amateur radio liaison to the ESF-2 Communications Task Force, coordinated the installation of a VHF amateur radio repeater on a mountain peak in El Yunque National Forest which now gives radio coverage to approximately 60% of Puerto Rico and also extends radio coverage into the U.S. Virgin Islands. * The Reunification team leader begged our net control leader to reassign our amateur radio operators to this team. They've added another car to make it 5 instead of 4 hams joining the reunification team. She wanted everyone to know how invaluable the hams have become to the team; stepping up to not only performs their duties, but are now proficient in multiple skill sets for the Red Cross. Acting as navigators, reunification workers and anything else that is needed. To date they have completed 60 reunifications. K1MJM even assisted in a lifesaving activity. * Andy Anderson-KE0AYJ, stationed at the Guajataca Dam, is providing communications support to the Puerto Rico power authority between their control facility and the dam as the water levels are lowered to prevent the dam from collapsing. The power company let it be known how invaluable Andy has become, not only because of his general knowledge, but because he has the ability to coordinate with the helicopter on HF. * We received communications from a municipal hospital in Jayuya for 45 urgently needed medical supplies. * The El Paso Communication (EPCOM) donated 40 Icom IC-F-3001 handheld radios to assist in restoring the infrastructure in Puerto Rico. Oscar Resto KP4RF , Valerie Hotzfeld NV9L, Gary Sessums KC5QCN Tom Gallagher - NY2RF Chief Executive Officer ARRL Headquarters ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio(tm) 860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158 tgallagher@arrl.org<mailto:tgallagher@arrl.org>