That's super, Cliff - an inspiration to all of us. Dave Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID "Ahrens, Cliff, K0CA" <cliff.ahrens@gmail.com> wrote: Correction – Rep. Luetkemeyer is MO-3 (not MO-2). Cliff From: Don Domina [mailto:stl_deli@msn.com] Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 11:38 AM To: k0ca@arrl.org Subject: Fwd: MO-2 Correction...Its MO-3 Don Domina KCØDE stl_deli@msn.com<mailto:stl_deli@msn.com> kcØde@arrl.net<mailto:kcØde@arrl.net> Begin forwarded message: Resent-From: stl_deli@msn.com<mailto:stl_deli@msn.com> From: Don Domina <stl_deli@msn.com<mailto:stl_deli@msn.com>> Subject: MO-2 Date: August 28, 2014 at 11:34:53 AM CDT Resent-To: stldeli3453@gmail.com<mailto:stldeli3453@gmail.com> To: k0ca@arrl.org<mailto:k0ca@arrl.org> Cliff, I am glad you sent the MO-6 notification to all of us. I have had a similar result with my congressman. Blaine Luetkemeyer R MO-2 has agreed to co-sponsor HR 4969. His press secretary has been in communication with me. Here is the copy of an email chain I have. Her email address is Kristina.Weger@mail.house.gov<mailto:Kristina.Weger@mail.house.gov> and her direct line in Washington is 202-225-2956. I am certain she will verify the message if you wish. She has been very helpful on this matter. She recommended he sign on. I reminded the Congressman of the number of Ham Votes in MO and in MO-3. Thanks for your efforts =============================== August 18, 2014 Hi Don, I hope all is well. The Congressman is now a cosponsor of H.R. 4969. It isn’t updated online because the House of Representatives is in “recess” until September but I’ll email the relevant staffer the first week in September and let them know. Also, there may be other members like Mr. Luetkemeyer who has agreed to sign onto a bill but the 17 cosponsors won’t change until the House is back in session. I just wanted to let you know! Take care, Kristina From: Don Domina [mailto:stl_deli@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:51 AM To: Weger, Kristina Subject: Fwd: HR 4969 Update Kristina, Just FYI. I have posted this to our group. I looked this morning and the list of co-sponsors is growing, and best of all its growing from both sides of the aisle. There is so little in Washington that people agree on, perhaps our small issue might be one. Thanks again and keep me posted. Don Don Domina KCØDE stl_deli@msn.com<mailto:stl_deli@msn.com> Begin forwarded message: Resent-From: stl_deli@msn.com<mailto:stl_deli@msn.com> From: Don Domina <stl_deli@msn.com<mailto:stl_deli@msn.com>> Subject: HR 4969 Update Date: August 5, 2014 at 8:47:05 AM CDT Resent-To: stldeli3453@gmail.com<mailto:stldeli3453@gmail.com> To: scaRC Complete List <scarc-members@wb0hsi.org<mailto:scarc-members@wb0hsi.org>> Cc: "SCARC-Members@yahoogroups.com<mailto:SCARC-Members@yahoogroups.com>" <SCARC-Members@yahoogroups.com<mailto:SCARC-Members@yahoogroups.com>> SCARC Members, I apologize if this is sent to you twice. I was unsure which list I was supposed to use. I receive the following from a staff member in one of our local Congressman’s office. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-3) covers a bunch of St. Charles County and west to Jeff City and the lake. His District is shown on the map: .[cid:2E43EE19-67FC-4FDA-BCE0-B534326A47C0@attlocal.net] His press secretary, Kristina Weger sent me the following email: ================================================= Hi Don, My name is Kristina and I work in Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer’s office. I know you emailed the Congressman regarding the Amateur Radio Parity Act. I know you already received a letter from the office and you are well versed on the legislation. I handle telecommunication policy for the Congressman and I’m going to recommend the Congressman signs his name to the legislation. I’ll keep you posted on the status and if you have any questions about telecommunications or other policy issues – don’t hesitate to shoot me an email or give me a call, happy to talk. Again, I’ll keep you posted and take care! Kristina Kristina Weger Press Secretary and Legislative Assistant Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) 202-225-2956 ========================================== Hopefully the congressman will follow her advice and co-sponsor the bill. I checked this morning and there are 17 BI-PARTISAN supporters. Keep the pressure on. 73 Don Domina KCØDE stl_deli@msn.com<mailto:stl_deli@msn.com> kcØde@arrl.net<mailto:kc%C3%98de@arrl.net>