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Vol. 33, No. 50

December 15, 2010  --  Covers the period December 5-11.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Programs & Services Committee:

January 20 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Administration & Finance Committee

January 20 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Annual Board Meeting

January 21-22, 2011 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP

The Media Hits column was sent to QST, text for a web page describing hams’ work in public events (parades, marathons, etc.) was created and will parallel the development of a new flier on the same topic which should go to press this week.  Also expected to go to press is the new presentation folder showing all 5 of the ARRL pillars.  In addition, with help from Harold Kramer, a page explaining the 5 pillars has been created at http://www.arrl.org/arrl-five-pillars .  The deadline for the 2010 Leonard Award was Dec 10 and there were multiple nominations in each of the three categories.  The materials have been scanned, duplicated and/or computerized in some way and mailed on CD’s to each of the PRC members for their voting.   Allen is also working with Bill Pasternak and the other task group members in creating an outline for a quality 2011 technical video within the expected budget.   


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

Development continues integrated efforts to increase revenue by year end.  To that end, the paper version of the December issue of Spectrum Defense Matters(SDM) was mailed by post to more than 30,000 prior donors.  That same issue has been posted in the Spectrum Defense Fun d section of the ARRL web site, and a link to it was emailed to more than 90,000 ARRL members.  Simultaneously, a story was developed for the web news crawl and the ARRL letter.  The Spectrum Defense Fun now stands at 68% of its 2010 goal with 2 weeks remaining in the year. 


Development is acknowledging contributions of $3- or more by December 31 with a $10 gift certificate on ARRL publications orders.

Development has been advised of a pending estate gift in the form of an insurance policy.  No details are available.

A story on the million-dollar gift from the estate of Iona and Charles Mathias, K8KGD was prepared for the web and the ARRL letter.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for December 9, 2010.


Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI


The new Smart Meter FAQ Page http://www.arrl.org/smart-meters seems to have been worth the effort.  A number of hams have commented on it.

An LED bulb that was sent to the Lab for conducted emissions testing exceeded the Part 18 limits for consumer lighting.  Many of these products seem to be coming from overseas, and in some cases, from eBay sources located outside the United States.

An RFI case in to a ham Ohio involves an ultraviolet light in his neighbor’s septic tank system.  Mike Gruber built up a fluorescent light fixture to test various electronic ballasts.  Mike found preliminary results to exceed Part 18 limits for consumer lighting devices.  The ballast is rated for non-consumer lighting.

Product Review

Bob Allison is working with an economy HF rig manufacturer to eliminate a frequency wobble.

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N


Thanks to Bob Heil, K9EID, owner of Heil Sound, for his donation to W1AW of a new microphone, the PR-31BW.  This microphone is in use in Studio One on the Yaesu FTdx9000D.

Joe processed regular QSL cards requests.  He also assembled a new AFSK/FSK interface for use in Studio One with the Icom IC-7700.  Joe also worked the early afternoon/night shifts on Monday and Tuesday for the vacationing Scott Gee.

Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of the month of December.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Incumbents Section Managers Jay Urish, W5GM (North Texas), Jim Brooks, KY4Z (Kentucky), and Carl Gardenias, WU6D (Orange) were nominated to run for new terms of office of their respective Sections starting on April 1, 2011.  After the Friday, December 10, deadline for receipt of nominations for this election cycle passed, there were no other nominees from North Texas, Kentucky or Orange.

There will be one SM election this winter, and that will be in Arkansas.  Dale Temple, W5RXU, is running for election, and incumbent Arkansas Section Manager J.M. Rowe, N5XFW, is running for re-election.

Here is a review of the following incumbent ARRL Section Managers that were nominated to run for new terms of office earlier in the season.  They do not face opposition.  Their new two-year terms of office begin on April 1, 2011: Tom Fagan, K7DF (Arizona); Tom Brehmer, N0LOH (Iowa); Malcolm Keown, W5XX; Doug Dunn, K7YD (Montana); Garth Crowe, N7XKT (Wyoming).

Radio amateurs form Ohio, Orange, and South Texas have joined the Field Organization as Official Observers this week.  Documentation was received from the South Texas OOC which he had received from one of his OOs regarding ongoing infractions on 75 meters.  After being reviewed, this was forwarded to the FCC for their consideration.  A report of a problem with the ID on a Western New York repeater is being followed up on.  Reports of Over the Horizon radars on 15 and 40 meters were received as well as interference to an RV net on 20 meters.  Work is progressing on a revision to the OO training guide.

Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly monitoring report to the IARU Region 2 coordinator.  Interference to an Eastern Massachusetts repeater was reported and the respective OOC was alerted.  Documentation was received regarding interference to a California 2 meter repeater and was forwarded to the FCC.  Chuck also participated in the SKYWARN Recognition Day held on December 4.  This event was co-sponsored by ARRL and the National Weather Service.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Staff Absentee List

All Staff               12/24           Holiday

All Staff               12/31           Holiday

Margie Bourgoin 12/20-12/23     Vacation

Jackie Ferreira         12/23           Vacation

     ``                 12/30           Vacation

Steve Ford              12/23-12/31     Vacation

Scott Gee               12/23           Vacation

Joel Hallas             12/22-12/29     Vacation

Dan Henderson           12/6-1/10       Medical Leave

Mary Hobart             12/27-12/28     Vacation

Bob Inderbitzen         12/27-12/30     Vacation

Maryann Macdonald       12/27-12/31     Vacation

Bill Moore              12/27-1/4       Vacation

Diane Petrilli          12/20-12/22     Vacation

    ``                  12/27-12/29     Vacation

Allen Pitts             12/17           Vacation

   ``                   12/24-12/31     Vacation

Steve Sant Andrea       12/27-12/30     Vacation

Barry Shelley           12/16-12/23     Vacation

Dave Sumner             12/22-12/23     Vacation

      ``                        12/30           Vacation