Due to the gravity and complexity of issues, I support the request for an in person meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors to be conducted at the January 2023 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors to consider, in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, the matters presented by the report and recommendation of the Ethics & Election Committee. 73, Tom – W3TOM From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> On Behalf Of Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:08 PM To: arrl-odv@arrl.org Subject: [arrl-odv:34250] Confidential Hi all: The attached is a confidential report from the Ethic and Elections Committee regarding a matter that needs Board attention. Please treat this information and matter as Board confidential. Pursuant to Bylaw 46 and the E&E recommendation, this matter is now referred to the Board for action and determination of an appropriate remedy. In accordance with Article 4, a special Board meeting will require a request of a majority of the Directors. Requests for the special Board meeting to discuss this E&E matter should be sent to David Minster, Secretary. Upon receipt of a majority of Directors requesting a special Board meeting, a meeting date and time will be set. Rick – K5UR