Good Morning all: I am pleased to announce that the CEOSC has identified the candidates who will undergo final interviews. We are in the process of setting up those interviews to take place prior to the January Board meeting; we anticipate reporting our findings and recommendations at that meeting. Our sincere thanks to Mr. Niswander and Mr. Widin, who were able to rearrange their personal and business schedules, in order to accommodate the interviews prior to the January meeting; their sacrifice is noted and truly appreciated. I would also like to thank those on the ARRL Staff who worked with the committee in preparing advertising, developing reflectors, contacting various candidates and generally maintaining the flow of resumes and letters. Without their teamwork, the task would have been quite overwhelming. Finally, I want to thank the members of the CEOSC (Mrs. Craigie, Mr. Widin, Mr. Norris, Dr. Woolweaver and Mr. Isley) and the consultants that they engaged (Mr. Niswander, Mr. Woll, Mr. Roderick and Buxton and Associates - Gary Buxton and Stacia Walter). Although the process of seeking a new CEO was not complicated, it was a composite procedure of searching for appropriate candidates, resume analysis, discussion meetings, debates and consensus building. It was an honor for me to chair such a qualified and hard working committee. In nautical terms we would signal Bravo Zulu to all. See you in Hartford 73 and good Hamming Jim Pace, K7CEX ARRL the National Association for Amateur Radio Northwestern Division Director