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Vol. 32, No. 40

October 7, 2009  --  Covers the period September 27-October 3.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Global Emergency Communications Coalition Meeting

October 7-8 – ARRL HQ

United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)

October 12-16 – ARRL HQ

Executive Committee Meeting

October 24 @ 9:00am – Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX

Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections

November 20 -- ARRL HQ

Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on Amateur Auxiliary

November 20 -- ARRL HQ

Administration &Finance Committee

November 21 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Programs & Services Committee

November 21 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Technical Relations

Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX

The Technical Relations Office is nearing the end of a very busy six weeks during which at least one of the staff has been on travel.  Brennan Price is in Geneva this week, acting as stand manager for the IARU exhibit at ITU Telecom World 2009.  He is also working with USTTI course coordinator Lisa Kustosik for next week’s Amateur Radio Administration Course in Newington.

Regulatory Information

Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND

Prior to and with the release of the ARRL Board’s paper on appropriate use of amateur radio, we continue to receive numerous questions/queries on activities.  The number of requests and phone calls has declined since the paper’s release but there will be questions coming in on this topic in the foreseeable future.  Just after the release of the paper, I presented a program on the topic at the Washington state convention in Spokane, attended by 40 amateurs.

After reviewing the data from the 2009 Beale PAVE PAWS testing, we have spoken with Air Force Spectrum Management and Air Force Space Command about numerous inconsistencies in the report of data.  We are waiting a teleconference with those two groups before determining the next step of action.

After returning from Spokane mid-week, the remainder of the week was spent catching up with correspondence and phone messages.  The 2009 Field Day QST article was finalized and sent to Production.  The web version will be sent to Contests during the week of October 5.

Several emails were exchanged with a member on the topic of simplex operation by amateurs on amateur satellite frequencies (thanks to Steve Ford, WB8IMY, for his assistance).  We also worked with Steve Ewald, WV1X, on answering several queries that covered volunteers in the field organization.


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

The Diamond Club results for September were strong, and surpassed those of September 2008.  Most importantly, net revenue from the Diamond club in September 2009 was up 18% over September 2008.  In addition, Diamond Club renewal contributions were up 9%, total renewal income was up 5% and the average renewal contribution was up 15%.

Artwork for the Spectrum Defense campaign is nearing completion.

Another contribution of $4,700 was received from the Stoner estate.


Reported by S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA

The November/December issue of QEX was released to the printer.

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter for October 1, 2009 – the first Letter in HTML format.  She received more than 200 comments about the new format, most of them positive.  The best one was that the conversion from plain text to HTML was like “the switchover from AM to SSB!”  Khrystyne also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for October 1.

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N

DXCC Branch

        Credits Applications   
2008 Carryover  108,961 962    
2009 Received   548,703 5,041  
Cumulative Total        657,664 6,003  
2009 Processed  547,605 4,983  
Remaining       110,059 1,029  
Processing Time                  8 weeks       

Logbook of the World

Category        September 2009  % Change

Jan – Sept 09  
QSO Records Entered In System   239,857,518     18%    
QSL Record Matches      23,297,634      29%    
Logs Processed  1,111,023       36%    
Active Certificates     43,941  18%    
Registered Users in System      28,917  19%    

Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries  September 2009 
Maintenance     147    
Initial Setup Inquiries 132    
Award Related Concerns  96     
Customer Usage Issues   52     
Total   427    


Joe created the texts for the October W1AW Qualifying Runs.  He compiled the 2009 Qualifying Run schedules for both W1AW and the West Coast stations.  He processed one Qualifying Run certificate and two endorsements.  He continues inputting HPM/140 applications into the database.  There are currently 350+ applications on file.

Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of the month of October.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Ballots for Section Manager Elections for Alabama, Alaska, and Kansas were sent out by the Mailroom staff ahead of the October 1 deadline.  Incumbent Section Managers Carl Clements, W4CAC (Virginia) and Eric Olena, WB3FPL (Eastern Pennsylvania) have been nominated to run for new terms of office that begin April 1, 2010.

Radio amateurs from Alabama, West Virginia, and South Carolina successfully completed certification to join the Official Observer program this past week.  ARRL HQ continues to receive reports of K1MAN’s operation.  Information about a continuing problem with a constant carrier on a California repeater was forwarded to the FCC while a complaint about wide signals on 75 meters is still under investigation.  Additional reports regarding the Alaskan, NL2R call sign being bootlegged were received.

Information regarding open nomination period for the International Humanitarian Award has been forwarded to all Section Managers and the IARU list.  Also during this past week, editing work was underway for the December QST Public Service column.

Emergency Preparedness & Response

Reported by Dennis Dura, K2DCD

Finalized agenda and support plans for Global Emergency Radio Coalition meeting being held at ARRL HQ October 7th and 8th, 2009.  Representatives participating will be from National Weather Service, REACT, Salvation Army, SATERN, Mobile Maritime Services Network, DHS-Office of Emergency Communications and RayNet.

Coordinated information sharing and disaster intelligence gathering on communications needs for the Tsunami that impacted Samoa and the Indonesian Earthquake with the American National Red Cross, DHS-Office of Emergency Communications, Salvation Army, SATERN and IRESC (International Radio Emergency Support Coalition).

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Staff Absentee List

All Staff               11/26-11/27     Holiday

     ``                 12/25           Holiday

Kathy Allison           10/19-10/23     Vacation

Joe Carcia              10/12-10/20     Vacation

Steve Ewald             10/15-10/26     Vacation

Steve Ford              10/9-10/11      AMSAT Symposium, Baltimore, MD

     ``                 10/12           Vacation

Norm Fusaro             10/9-10/12      Vacation

Scott Gee               12/7-12/8       Vacation

     ``                 12/23-12/24     Vacation

     ``                 12/31           Vacation

Dan Henderson           11/23-11/25     Vacation

      ``                        12/21-12/31     Vacation

Bob Inderbitzen         10/8-10/9       Training Conference

Khrystyne Keane 10/23           Vacation

Joel Kleinman           10/23           Vacation

Linda Kleinschmidt      10/5-10/9       Vacation

Allen Pitts             10/5-10/9       Vacation

      ``                        10/11           Chicago Marathon, Chicago, IL

Brennan Price           11/4-11/13      Vacation

Steve Sant Andrea       10/16           Vacation

Jon Siverling           10/7-10/12      Vacation

Dave Sumner             10/9-10/20      IARU R3 Conference/AC Meeting, Christchurch, NZ

       ``                       10/23-10/25     Executive Committee Meeting, Dallas, TX

Janice Wytas            10/12-10/14     Vacation